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sym·bol·ize \ˈsimbəˌlīz\ verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Usage: see -ize intransitive verb 1. [Middle French symboliser, from Medieval Latin symbolizare to express by a symbol, to be alike in quality, from Latin symbolus, symbolum symbol + Late Latin -izare -ize] archaic : to be alike (as in qualities, properties, or principles) : become united : harmonize, agree, concur 2. [symbol (I) + -ize] : to use symbols or symbolism < the Middle Ages, with their constant tendency to symbolize — Lewis Mumford > transitive verb [Medieval Latin symbolizare to express by a symbol] 1. : to serve as a symbol of : stand for : typify < the wedding ring symbolizes unending love > 2. : to represent, express, or identify by a symbol < streets of a populated place need not be symbolized — Topographic Surveying > < talking symbolizes experience — Stuart Chase > |