释义 |
syn·chron·ic \(ˈ)si]n]|kränik, sə̇]n]ˈk-, ]ŋ], -änēk\ adjective also syn·chron·i·cal \-änə̇kəl, -änēk-\ Etymology: Late Latin synchronos synchronous + English -ic, -ical 1. : synchronous 2. a. [French synchronique, from Late Latin synchronos + French -ique -ic, -ical] : descriptive 4 < synchronic grammar > — contrasted with diachronic b. : concerned with the complex of events existing in a limited time period (as the present) and ignoring historical antecedents < the functionalist emphasis upon institutional interrelationships has resulted in a synchronic view of society > — contrasted with diachronic 3. of taxa : occurring in the same segment of geologic time : contemporaneous — compare allochronic • syn·chron·i·cal·ly \-änə̇k(ə)lē, -änēk-, -li\ adverb |