释义 |
syn·chro·nism \ˈsiŋkrəˌnizəm, ˈsink-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Late Latin synchronos synchronous + English -ism 1. : the quality or state of being synchronous or simultaneous : concurrence of acts, events, or developments in time : coincident movement or existence : simultaneousness < find a general synchronism in the secular and religious phase of lyric growth — H.O.Taylor > 2. : chronological arrangement of historical events and personages so as to indicate coincidence or coexistence; also : a table showing such concurrences < in that book were … synchronisms of the kings of Ireland with the kings and emperors of the world — Irish Digest > 3. a. : a representation in the same picture of two or more events which occurred at different times b. : historical accuracy in detail in period architecture or interior decoration 4. a. : the state of having the same period or the same period and phase b. : the condition of excessive rolling obtaining when a ship's rolling period is equal to the wave period or to one half the wave period 5. : the concurrence in time of the picture image and the corresponding sound during projection on a motion-picture or television screen |