释义 |
peri·derm \ˈperəˌdərm\ noun (-s) Etymology: New Latin peridermis, from peri- + -dermis 1. : a protective layer of secondary tissue that develops first in the epidermis or subepidermal layers of many stems, roots, and other plant organs, is usually continuous and followed by similar but only partial deeper-lying layers, and in full development consists of an initiating layer, an inner parenchymatous layer, and an outer cork layer — comparephellem, phelloderm, phellogen 2. : the perisarc of a hydroid 3. : the outer layer of the epidermis of the skin especially of an embryo • peri·der·mal \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|dərməl\ or peri·der·mic \-mik\ adjective |