

单词 syncope
释义 syn·co·pe
\ˈsiŋkə(ˌ)pē, -ink-, -_pi\ noun
Etymology: Late Latin, from Greek synkopē, from synkoptein to chop up, cut short, from syn- + koptein to strike, cut off — more at capon
1. : a partial or complete temporary suspension of respiration and circulation due to cerebral ischemia and characterized by sudden pallor, coldness of the skin, and partial or complete unconsciousness : faint, swoon
 a. : the loss of one or more sounds or letters in the interior of a word (as in di'mond for diamond or fo'c'sle for forecastle) — compare aphaeresis, apocope, contraction, hyphaeresis
 b. : a form resulting from such a loss of sounds or letters
3. : suppression or omission of a short syllable within a metrical foot or measure usually with compensating protraction of an adjacent long
4. obsolete : syncopation 2




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