释义 |
jeop·ar·dy I. \-_dē, -_di\ noun (-es) Etymology: Middle English jupartie, jeopartie, jeopardie, from Anglo-French juparti, jeu parti, from Old French, alternative, poem treating amorous problems in dialogue form, from ju, jeu game, play (from Latin jocus joke, jest, game) + parti, past participle of partir to divide — more at joke, part 1. obsolete : problem, dilemma; also obsolete : trick 2. : exposure to or imminence of death, loss, or injury : danger, hazard < place a fortune in jeopardy by gambling > 3. : the danger that an accused person is subjected to when duly put upon trial for a criminal offense Synonyms: see danger II. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-es) : jeopardize, imperil |