单词 | table |
释义 | ta·ble I. 1. a. obsolete < the inner part of the temple is … covered with great tables of porphyry — Thomas Washington > b. (1) < leave a table in the middle of the panel — Fiske Kimball > < write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it — Hab 2:2 (Authorized Version) > (2) < the Twelve Tables of Roman law > < tables of the decalogue > c. obsolete (1) < asked for a writing table, and wrote … his name — Lk 1:63 (Authorized Version) > (2) < the everlasting tables of right reason — Richard Bentley †1742 > 2. a. (1) tables plural (2) < white's inner table is opposite black's inner table > < play into the home table > b. 3. a. (1) (2) < put the patient on the table > (3) < the original of the letter … must be delivered at the table by the member who makes the complaint — T.E.May > b. (1) < their farms were better and their tables more bountiful than most — R.H.Shryock > < spent his teens … as a poor relation at the table of his mother's family — American Guide Series: New York > < the table the landlady set was really something special and we ate all we could hold — Emmett Kelly > (2) < sit down to table with an ambassador — Agnes M. Miall > < if visitors can see into the kitchen while at table, no doubt they will offer to help with the washing up — G.F.Lawson > < still hoping … he'll get to eat at the first table — F.B.Gipson > c. (1) < the table then spoke of … how bracing the air was — James Joyce > < a table of aldermen > < a table of bridge > < a famous poker table, which challenged all comers — Harvey Fergusson > (2) < an ill-armed victor lacks power at the peace table — F.E.Hill > 4. a. b. 5. a. b. archaic 6. a. < results of this survey are given in tables in the appendix > specifically < table of weights and measures > < table of logarithms > < multiplication table > b. < table of contents > < table of organization > < offer his little table of oppositions and … let it stand — Carlos Baker > 7. a. (1) (2) b. (1) (2) c. obsolete (1) (2) (3) d. (1) (2) e. archaic f. g. (1) (2) h. i. • - on the table - under the table II. 1. obsolete < your table players, and other gamesters — James Mabbe > 2. a. < table mat > < table lamp > < table model > < gambling-license holders must pay a table tax to the state — J.F.McDonald > b. < table bird > 3. < table rock > < table reef > < table-jawed tweezers > 4. < table matter > < table work > 5. < table vise > < tool has more teeth in cutters allowing for increased table feed per minute — Steel > III. transitive verb 1. < quarterly distribution … is as tabled below — T.J.Grayson > 2. < tabled in midmorning they ate sour pickles — Thomas Wolfe > 3. a. Britain < research groups prepare the draft bills tabled by … parliamentary representatives — Barbara & Robert North > b. < the hydroelectric project has been tabled, revived, tabled again — E.W.Smith > c. < ale, for which he too used to table his twopence — Thomas Carlyle > < florists tabled a large … assortment of cut flowers — Gardeners' Chronicle > 4. a. archaic b. 5. < table ground ore > 6. intransitive verb archaic |
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