释义 |
ad·ju·vant I. \-vənt\ adjective Etymology: French or Latin; French, from Latin adjuvant-, adjuvans, present participle of adjuvare to aid — more at aid 1. : serving to aid or contribute : auxiliary < an adjuvant discipline to … forms of mysticism — Havelock Ellis > 2. : involving the use of or functioning as a medical adjuvant < the adjuvant action of certain bacteria > II. noun (-s) Etymology: French adjuvant, adjective, or Latin adjuvant-, adjuvans, present participle : one that helps or facilitates: as a. : an ingredient (as in a prescription or solution) that facilitates or modifies the action of the principal ingredient < an adjuvant that dries paint > < the beneficial activity of the spray is enhanced by adjuvants > b. : a method, drug, or other means that enhances the effectiveness of medical treatment < X rays and antibiotics are adjuvants to surgery > III. \ˈajəvənt, -jüvänt, aˈjüvənt\ noun : a substance enhancing the immune response to an antigen |