单词 | taboo |
释义 | ta·boo I. or ta·bu 1. < the sacred or taboo animal of a neighboring people — L.E.Fuller > < taboo grounds — the home only of spirit hosts awaiting the return of the ancient worship — I.L.Idriess > < the person of the tribal chief is taboo > 2. < many obscene and sacred words are taboo because the name is regarded as the equivalent of the object — Daniel Katz > < a taboo list containing 300,000 songs — Leonard Allen > < many of the cows are tubercular, so fresh milk is strictly taboo — Infantry Journal > II. or tabu 1. a. < taboo on using … a dead person's name — J.B.Casagrande > < Great Spirit set the whirlwinds blowing … as a punishment to those who, breaking the taboo, had taught the white men how to snare salmon — American Guide Series: Oregon > — called also kapu, tapu b. (1) (2) < fishes are spread out on the floor … until the women pour water over them to free them from taboo — Margaret Mead > 2. < subject to all the conventional taboos of her age, her sex and her pleasant place in the Victorian sun — Florence Bullock > < control of behavior by the inner taboos of moral sense — R.L.Jenkins > < rigid taboos about older men doing heavy work — New York State Legislative Committee on Problems of the Aging > 3. < the man of the tribe, ruled by totem and taboo — Dorothy Thompson > < social repressions lead to … folklore, religion, and taboo — Thomas Munro > III. or tabu 1. a. < names of sacred chiefs and gods are tabooed, and may not be spoken — J.G.Frazer > b. < you will do, or taboo, what your culture calls for — L.A.White > < provoke … wrath by discussing tabooed subjects — Lucy M. Montgomery > 2. archaic < that sacred enclosure of respectability was tabooed to us — J.R.Lowell > < splendid couches tabooed against the reception of wearied feet — T.E.Hook > |
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