释义 |
jin·ni \ˈjēnē, ˈjinē, -ni\ noun or jinn or djinn or djin \ˈjin\; also djin·ni or jin·nee \ˈjēnē, jinē, -ni\ (plural jinn or jinns or djinns also djinn or djins) Etymology: Arabic finnīy demon, spirit 1. : one of a class of beneficent or malevolent spirits in Islam that inhabit the earth, that are capable of assuming various forms, and that exercise supernatural power 2. : a supernatural spirit < some jinni of the air made visible for a moment — Osbert Sitwell > < scoffing at the idea of casting out a jinni — Alan Villiers > especially : one that takes on human form and serves the one who summons him < magically summoning his private jinni — Hamilton Basso > |