单词 | adorn |
释义 | adorn 1. a. b. < a competence … adorned by an unexcelled brilliance of vivid expression — A.H.Johnson > c. < the simplicity with which great composers adorn their works — Warwick Braithwaite > 2. < as a bride adorns herself with her jewels — Isa 61:10 (Revised Standard Version) > 3. < garish gin palaces that adorn all the suburbs — S.P.B.Mais > Synonyms: < the painters who adorned the Minoan palaces with lovely frescoes — V.G.Childe > < her feet, stockingless, and adorned rather than clad in blue-satin slippers — Scott Fitzgerald > To decorate, often interchangeable with adorn, generally implies the adding of something of color or interest to relieve plainness or monotony < the music was brief, gracefully decorated with trills and curlicues — Time > < pathways, decorated with ornamental trees and shrubs — Tom Marvel > To ornament implies a decorating by means of something extraneous, as an adjunct or accessory < columns ornament the front entrance — American Guide Series: Maine > To embellish, stressing more the act of an agent than an effect, suggests strongly the adding of superfluous or adventitious ornamental elements < Gothic cathedrals … embellished, both inside and out, with grinning gargoyles — Lytton Strachey > To beautify is to make relatively beautiful, especially by neutralizing, masking, or transforming a certain plainness or ugliness < salt cedars and oleanders have been planted to beautify the highway — American Guide Series: Texas > To deck or bedeck implies the addition of something which contributes to gaiety, interest, splendor, or sometimes gaudiness < deck the halls with boughs of holly > < he was as fine as any prince, ablaze with jewels, bedecked with yards of snowy lace and fine embroidery — Frank Yerby > < bedecked with cheap finery > To garnish implies a decorating with something small but bright and attractive as a final touch in preparation for use or service < a steak garnished with parsley > < the old-fashioned polemical sermon … garnished with quotations in Greek — Van Wyck Brooks > |
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