单词 | decry |
释义 | de·cry 1. < the king may at any time decry … any coin of the kingdom — William Blackstone > 2. < citizens of the more advanced democracies … decry dictators and all their works — C.L.Jones > < in making his case for pure research … he was not decrying applied research — Ritchie Calder > Synonyms: < restraint of emotion was now decried in favor of strong expression of feeling — Gilbert Highet > < it would be a complete mistake to decry love of power altogether as a motive — Bertrand Russell > < county editors vying with each other to defend their champions and decry their foes — American Guide Series: Maryland > depreciate implies a representing of something as of smaller value than it is usually credited with < the Renaissance … depreciated sculpture and gave the highest place to painting — Herbert Read > < the fashion in some quarters during the last few years to depreciate the entire scientific outlook — P.W.Bridgman > disparage implies depreciation usually by more subtle methods, as slighting or invidious comparison < to disparage a train by comparing it with a stagecoach — G.B.Shaw > < he would sigh, shake his head, disparage his importance to anybody, even to himself — Marguerite Young > < the notion that Montaigne disparaged and sneered at the human race seems … absurd to us — L.P.Smith > derogate, often derogate (from), and detract (from) stress the idea of taking something away from the full or generally recognized quality of a person or thing, especially quality of merit or reputation < readers will inevitably … derogate what they cannot master — Edith R. Mirrielees > < I am not “blaming” the extraterritorial, specifically eastern, archaeologists nor attempting to derogate their contributions to southwestern archaeology — W.W.Taylor > < the right of the judiciary to review legislative and executive actions and nullify those measures which derogate from eternal principles of truth and justice as incarnated in the Constitution — J.P.Roche > < his underhanded actions detract from his reputation for honesty > < to say this in no way detracts from the distinguished qualities of the council itself — Report: (Canadian) Royal Commission on National Development > < a number of apologetic reservations which detract from the force of those forthright statements — Gleb Struve > < none of these moral imperfections appeared to detract an iota from the advantage of a face like an infant Aphrodite — Ellen Glasgow > belittle and minimize both imply depreciation, belittle suggesting an effort to make contemptibly small in worth, minimize to make as small as possible < Jack Dempsey was not one to underestimate. It was not his habit of mind to belittle an antagonist — Gene Tunney > < always delighted at a pretext for belittling a distinguished contemporary — Edmund Wilson > < I did not find anybody minimizing the tasks or inclined to exaggerate what had been done — E.P.Snow > < an evident tendency on the part of the writers to enlarge on the blessings of nature and to minimize her deficiencies — R.H.Brown > |
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