单词 | join |
释义 | join I. transitive verb 1. a. < join two blocks of wood with glue > < two moral forces, separate and yet joined > < join forces in an effort to stamp out vice > < a bridge joining the two halves of the city > b. c. < his studio there joined that of the famous sculptor — J.T.Marshall > 2. < was later joined to another battalion > < the agitation of his mind, joined to the pain of his wound, kept him awake — Francis Parkman > < joined in marriage by a local minister > 3. 4. a. (1) < joins his wife and three children around the breakfast table — Stuart Chase > < joined us for lunch > (2) < at the next town we join another route > b. (1) < joined the defense of Paris as commander of naval antiaircraft batteries — Current Biography > (2) < join the government in condemning foreign aggression > (3) < join a vehicle > especially < joined the destroyer as executive officer > (4) < join a church > < join a faculty > < ran away from school to join a traveling tent show — Current Biography > intransitive verb 1. a. < English nouns join easily to form compounds > b. < at this point the two estates join > 2. a. < business interests joined to maintain the consolidated system — American Guide Series: Minnesota > — often used with up < the three clubs joined up to improve the town's playground facilities > b. < an ambulance service was organized and I joined in as a stretcher bearer — Nevil Shute > < he is now a Mason but he did not join until last year > < two weeks after he joined up he was sent into the fighting area and saw immediate action > c. < join in singing the national anthem > < when there was group dancing … they all joined in together — Cabell Phillips > Synonyms: < associate with shady characters > < associate the sense of hunger and the search for food > < was associated with the hospital from 1889 until 1919 — American Guide Series: Maryland > < the smooth ultralegato style now often associated with English music of the period — E.T.Canby > relate can signify a bringing or coming together in any number of ways so that the two or more things have some generally only implied physical, moral, or logical bearing on each other < the wing of a bird and the arm of a man are historically related > < an interrogation point which relates the title closely to the text — G.W.Johnson > < not the least merit of the book is that it relates the history of science to other thought currents — F.L.Baumer > < their ability to relate what they observe to what they know or have previously observed — Gertrude H. Hildreth > Although they are used to signify a more specific union, link, connect, join, and conjoin in their nonphysical application may suggest a bringing or coming together as general and unspecified as that implied by relate or associate but tend more, especially in physical application, to signify a junction of some kind, often an inseparable junction as by a chain or by bonding. connect is the most general of these four and suggests a loose attachment, especially one that preserves the identity of the elements and the evidence of the connection < connect the two ends of the pipe > < connect the two houses by a path > < the criminal activity has been connected with the names of several prominent men > < a number of articles connected with her life — American Guide Series: Rhode Island > link suggests a slightly closer coupling especially in the physical application of the word in which is implied inseparability but of still clearly identifiably separate elements < the bridge linking the islands of North Hero and Grand Isle — American Guide Series: Vermont > < none of the subjects that linked us together could be talked about in a bar — Nevil Shute > < eight Anarchists were condemned to death or life imprisonment in a trial that linked them to this Haymarket Riot — J.D.Hart > join usually suggests strongly the idea of physical or moral contact or junction or the making of a continuity of two or more things < apply glue to the edges to be joined > < join the ends of the wires with solder > < a common purpose joined their efforts > conjoin usually emphasized both the togetherness of a joining and the separateness of the things joined < three conjoined quadrangular beakers with a common cover — Parke-Bernet Galleries Catalog > < a scientific realism, based on mechanism, is conjoined with an unwavering belief in the world of men … as being composed of self-determining organisms — A.N.Whitehead > combine and unite usually emphasize the first a mingling and the second a union or integration in which individual identity is lost in a common aim or in the formation of a new product from the mingling or itegration. combine stresses a merging by intermixture < combine ingredients in making a cake > < combines Georgian Colonial and Classical Revival designs — American Guide Series: Pennsylvania > < beauty and melody and graceful motion … were combined in her — W.H.Hudson †1922 > unite strongly emphasizes the singleness resulting from the junction of persons or elements < unite the separated army divisions > < certain chemical elements unite to form gases > < unite two people in a common purpose > < unite a couple in marriage > < a cooperative community in which manual and intellectual labor might be united — Allan MacDonald > • - join hands - join out - join the issue II. 1. < ensure accurately matching joins — W.P.Matthew > < the joins between the veins and the arteries, the capillaries — S.F.Mason > < the join of lid and box > 2. 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