

单词 adventurer
释义 ad·ven·tur·er
\-chərər, -ch(ə)rə\ noun
1. : one that adventures or seeks or engages in adventures: as
 a. : a mercenary fighter : a free-lance volunteer : soldier of fortune
  < reported that the rebel command consisted largely of foreign adventurers >
  (1) : one that engages or shares in commercial enterprises of considerable risk for profit especially in foreign countries — compare merchant adventurer
  (2) chiefly Britain : a shareholder in a mining company
2. : a person of uncertain qualifications seeking to attain unmerited wealth or position by sharp practice and dubious methods especially by playing on the credulity or prejudices of others : one that lives by his wits
 < if he had … no aim except to live at my expense, then I should regard him as an adventurer — G.B.Shaw >
 < there were no courtesans … there were no adventurers — F.L.Allen >
 < ring of political adventurers — D.D.Martin >




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