

单词 take
释义 take
I. \ˈtāk\ transitive verb
(took \ˈtu̇k, dial ˈtək\ ; or dialect tak·en \ˈtākən sometimes -kəŋ\ ; taken \“\ ; or dialect took or chiefly Scottish tane \ˈtān\ ; taking ; takes)
Etymology: Middle English taken, from Old English tacan, from Old Norse taka; akin to Middle Dutch taken to take, Gothic tekan to touch
1. : to get into one's hands or into one's possession, power, or control by force or stratagem: as
 a. : to seize or capture physically (as men, munitions, works, or territory in war, a person charged with an offense, or a piece of property by legal process)
  < took 300 of the enemy's men and a dozen of his cannon >
  < believed they could take the fort in about three days >
  < was taken by the police within three hours of the crime >
  < took the town and carried off what wine and oil it contained — C.L.Jones >
  (1) : to get possession of (as fish or game) by killing or capturing
   < eighty percent of the whales today are taken in the Antarctic — Mary H. Vorse >
   < the nets by which the bats were to be taken — R.L.Ditmars & A.M.Greenhall >
   < took many nice fish — Alexander MacDonald >
   < had never more than three or four pellets in them … for he took them upon the very edge of the shot pattern — William Humphrey >
   < proclamation governing the taking of upland game birds and deer — N. Dak. Hunting Regulations >
   — sometimes used to include acts in attempt to kill or capture
   < the word take as used in this Act means hunt, shoot, pursue, lure, kill, destroy, capture, trap or ensnare, or to attempt so to do — Illinois Game & Fish Codes >
  (2) : to seize as prey
   < tales of children taken by tigers >
 c. : to capture or secure (as an opponent's piece in chess or card in bridge) in order to remove from play
  < took his opponent's queen on the fourth move >
 also : to serve to capture
  < planned to let his rook take the knight >
  < ace takes the king >
 d. : to seize or destroy (property) for public purposes : acquire title by eminent domain : confiscate
  (1) : to catch or field (as a batted ball) in baseball or cricket
   < take it on the fly >
   < took it on the first hop >
  (2) : to catch (a batsman) out in cricket
   < was taken in the slips >
 a. : to lay or get hold of with arms, hands, or fingers or with a hand or an instrument : grasp, grip
  < take the ax by the handle >
  < take the book in your right hand >
  < always took his hand when they crossed the street >
  < took his sleeve to guide him >
  < took him by the shoulders and shook him soundly >
  < dentist took the tooth in his forceps >
  < took the child in her arms to comfort it >
  < take the railing as you go down >
 b. : to catch hold upon (as by contact or adhesion)
  < sound of a ship taking the ground >
  < oars rhythmically taking the water >
 a. : to catch, seize, or attack through the effect of a sudden force or influence: as
  (1) : to seize or attack so as to have an effect upon
   < was taken with a fit of laughing >
   < was suddenly taken with a need for companionship >
   < liked to work as the humor took him >
   < toward morning he was taken with frenzy and leaped from bed — J.A.Michener >
   < seemed to be taken with a great restlessness — S.H.Holbrook >
  (2) : to strike or affect so as to cause to be in a particular condition
   < was taken ill >
   < found himself taken hoarse >
   < was taken down with pneumonia >
  (3) : to attack through magical or supernatural forces : cast a spell on : use malign influence over
   < blasts the tree and takes the cattle — Shakespeare >
 b. : to catch or come upon (as a person) in a particular situation or action
  < question took him unprepared >
  < was taken unawares >
  < tried to take him napping >
  < took him in the very act >
 c. : to strike or hit (as a person) usually in or on a specified part
  < a straight left-hander that took him on the broad chin — Arthur Morrison >
  < took the boy a smart box on the ear >
  (1) : to capture or gain the approval or liking of : captivate, charm, delight
   < performance that seemed to have taken the fancy of the crowd >
   — usually used with with
   < was much taken with him at their first meeting >
   < so taken with the decorations that she decided to copy them >
   or sometimes with by
   < quite taken by their concern for his comfort >
  (2) : to catch and hold (as the attention, interest, regard) often for only a short time
   < took his attention momentarily >
   < kind of thing that takes one's eye >
 a. : to get into one's hand or one's hold or possession by a physical act of simple transference
  < I take my pen in hand >
  < took his hat and coat and left >
  < reached over and took a piece of bread >
  < took a cigar and lit it >
  < took the youngster on her lap >
  < took a stake and pounded it in the ground >
  (1) : to introduce or receive into one's body (as by eating, drinking, or inhaling)
   < had taken no food for three days >
   < take a glass of water >
   < take snuff >
   < takes the smoke into his lungs >
   < take one tablet after each meal >
   < took poison >
   < killed himself by taking gas >
   < communed with spirits while taking tobacco and a narcotic herb — J.H.Steward >
   < label reading “this medicine is not to be taken internally” >
   < took his bottle well and had gained back to birth weight — E.F.Patton >
  (2) : to expose oneself to (as sun or air) for pleasure or for physical benefit
   < taking the sun on the beach before the little teahouse — Hamilton Basso >
   < piers … where families in the neighborhood could take the river air in warm weather — Brooks Atkinson >
  (3) : to partake of (as a meal) : eat, drink
   < the audience would take tea there — Virginia Woolf >
   < took supper with an English earl — F.B.Gipson >
   < residents are required to take their meals in the houses — Official Register of Harvard University >
   < takes dinner about six >
  (1) : to bring or receive into a relation or connection
   < took his son into the firm >
   < wouldn't take me into his confidence >
   < takes a few private pupils >
   < was reduced to taking lodgers >
   < time he took a wife >
   < the stupid bride he means to take — Carl Van Doren >
   < took a squaw to wife — Burges Johnson >
   < serve you right if she took a lover — Guy McCrone >
  (2) : to receive into one's household for provision and care or to adopt
   < took her dead brother's youngest child >
   < married children arranged to take their father a month at a time >
   < agreed to take a war orphan >
 b. : to copulate with
6. : to transfer into one's own keeping : enter into or arrange for possession, ownership, or use of:
 a. : appropriate
  < took the umbrella to keep it from being lost or stolen >
  < if nobody wants this, I'll take it >
  < found that somebody had taken his hat >
  < accused me of taking his camera >
  < had been taking money out of the till for months >
  (1) : to obtain or secure for use (as by lease, subscription, or contract)
   < take a cottage for the summer >
   < take a box at the opera >
   < family takes several magazines >
   < take two quarts of milk every other day >
  (2) : to obtain by purchasing : buy
   < spent an hour looking around but didn't take anything >
   < finally decided to take a blue serge suit >
   < wanted to take the ranch house but his wife wouldn't agree >
   < salesman tried to persuade him to take the convertible >
7. : to adopt or lay hold of for oneself or as one's own : assume: as
  (1) : to invest oneself with (as a property or an attribute)
   < butter often takes the flavor of substances near it >
   < fog took ghostly shapes >
   < ancient Greek gods often took the likeness of a human being >
   < unconsciously he took color from his environment — V.L.Parrington >
   < take different shapes on different occasions — Curtis Bok >
  also : to assume a property or attribute of
   < the plaster took the mold in perfect detail >
  (2) : to assume as a badge or symbol (as of a function or an office)
   < take the veil of a nun >
   < asked him to take the gavel >
   < had taken the throne at twenty >
 b. : to charge oneself with (as a duty, obligation, or task) : undertake
  < take office >
  < take service under a foreign flag >
  < take the responsibility for keeping order >
  < each teacher must take the study hall once every week >
 specifically : to assume responsibility for checking the effectiveness of (a player on an opposing team) on a given play
  < our right end takes defensive fullback — A.E.Neale >
  (1) : to subject oneself to : bind oneself by
   < take a vow >
   < take a pledge >
   < take my oath he hasn't grown an inch — New Yorker >
   < took oath as president on December 1st — Virginia Prewett >
  (2) obsolete : to make oneself responsible for the truth of (as a statement) : affirm, swear — used with it
   < took't upon mine honor thou hadst it not — Shakespeare >
  (1) : to undertake and perform or exercise
   < take the role of the villain >
   < took an important part in the negotiations >
   < the teacher who took the third grade last year >
   < take soprano >
   < had to take three sections of freshman English >
   < curate took the early morning service >
  (2) : to give or impose upon oneself (as special or added responsibility) as part of or in the course of something undertaken or done — used chiefly in the phrase take pains or take the trouble
   < man who is willing to take the trouble to do good work >
   < have taken pains with the documentation — Van Wyck Brooks >
   < took no pains to soften their footsteps — Jean Stafford >
   < few of our statesmen can have taken so little pains to keep themselves in the public eye — G.M.Young >
 e. : to adopt (as another's part or side) as one's own : align or ally oneself with
  < knew that his mother would take his side >
  — often used in the phrase take sides
  < members take sides against each other in all public affairs — A.C.Whitehead >
 f. : to adopt or advance as one's fundamental point of argument or defense
  < a point well taken >
  < took his stand on judicial incorruptibility >
 g. : to assume as if rightfully one's own or as if granted : arrogate to oneself
  < take the credit >
  < take the liberty of disagreeing >
  < took my consent for granted >
  < take leave to protest >
 h. : to have or assume as a proper part of or accompaniment to itself : be formed or used with
  < takes an accent on the last syllable >
  < takes an s in the plural >
  < transitive verbs take an object >
  < takes the objective case >
  < plural noun takes a plural verb >
 a. : to secure by winning in competition : win
  < took six tricks in a row >
  < took the fight by a knockout >
  < took first place in the broad jump >
  < took the Latin prize for two years >
  < was lucky to take one game out of four >
  < took first-class honors in history — Current Biography >
  < took ribbons for his vegetables — Lamp >
 b. : to win over (as an opponent) : beat, defeat
  < took him in straight sets >
  < bragged that he could take the new marshal — J.W.Schaefer >
9. : to pick out : choose, select
 < was told to take the road bearing left at the fork >
 < always took the middle course if there was one >
 < let him take his pick >
 < take any number from one to ten >
10. : to adopt, choose, or avail oneself of for use : have recourse to and use
 < take the first opportunity >
 < took every means he could think of >
 < was forced to take severe measures >
 a. : to have recourse to as an instrument for doing something
  < had taken his belt to the disobedient boy >
  < nothing to do with the weeds but take a scythe to them >
 b. : to use as a means of transportation or progression
  < could take the subway to work >
  < took a freighter to Europe >
  < usually took the car >
  < he takes airplanes, but his wife won't fly — Philip Hamburger >
  < insisted on taking a taxi all the way — Christopher Isherwood >
 also : to go aboard or mount (as something providing such transportation) : board
  < always took the train at the main station >
  < had taken horse and ridden into the fields — J.H.Wheelwright >
  < just before I took ship at New York for Sweden — Sinclair Lewis >
  < takes the train every morning at 6:45 >
 c. : to have recourse to (as a place) especially for safety or refuge
  < take shelter >
  < take sanctuary >
  < take harbor >
  < had one look at the bear and then took the nearest tree >
  < could often take refuge from his humiliation in a sort of dignity — Elizabeth Bowen >
  < take cover behind prejudices and theories — Roger Fry >
 d. : to enter upon or into in order to go along or through
  < wished he could take a paved road >
  < every single plane … fit to take the air — Ira Wolfert >
  < readying the boat to take the water >
  (1) : to proceed to occupy (as a place or position)
   < take a seat in the rear >
   < took the nearest chair >
   < took his place in the procession >
   < was unwilling to take the center of the stage >
   < always ready to take the spotlight >
   < took the chair in the absence of the regular chairman >
  (2) : to use up (as space by filling or time by consuming)
   < take enough time to be sure >
   < doesn't take much room >
   < took a long time to dry out >
  (3) : need, require
   < takes a size nine shoe >
   < job took more attention than he could give >
   < took two men to keep the tub filled — H.A.Chippendale >
   < a good long letter (took two postage stamps) — Walt Whitman >
   < took the baroque age to invent, and to respect, the … periwig — Gilbert Highet >
   < getting to the right place at the right time … takes a bit of doing — Nevil Shute >
 a. : to obtain by deriving from a source : draw
  < takes its title from the name of the hero >
  < family probably took its name from the place where it lived >
  < took his design from natural rock formations >
  < takes his good looks from his mother >
  < took his text from the Old Testament >
  < took his subject from his own experience >
  (1) : to extract and use over again (as for quoting or adapting) : borrow
   < took his plot from an old folk tale >
   < retorted with a line taken verbatim from Shakespeare >
   < our habit of taking words from other languages — Thomas Pyles >
  (2) : to obtain from a natural source
   < coal used is imported … while the limestone is taken from the company's own quarries — N.R.Heiden >
  (1) : to obtain as the result of a special procedure (as of observation, examination, or inquiry) : ascertain
   < take the temperature >
   < take the dimensions of a room >
   < tailor took his measurements >
   < take a census >
   < took the opinion of the group >
  also : to carry out (a procedure yielding such a result) : conduct
   < take an observation of the sun >
   < take a test of its efficiency >
   < take a poll >
   < take a vote >
  (2) : to get in writing : write down
   < take notes >
   < take the attendance >
   < take minutes of a meeting >
   < take an inventory >
   < take a copy of a will >
   — often used with down
   < take down a speech in shorthand >
   < took down the principal points >
   < sent for a stenographer to take down his confession >
  (3) : to get by drawing or painting or especially by photography : make or execute a picture of : represent or portray in any artistic form; especially : to make a photograph of : photograph
   < likes to take pictures >
   < take a snapshot >
   < took the children in their party clothes >
  (4) : to get by transference from one surface to another (as by means of ink)
   < take a proof >
   < take a person's fingerprints >
   < take rubbings of ancient brasses >
   < worked out a way of taking the carved impression from the stone — Roger Burlingame >
12. : to receive or accept whether willingly or reluctantly (as something given, offered, proposed, or administered)
 < wouldn't take my hand when I offered it >
 < taught her not to take candy from strangers >
 < took the present but didn't seem pleased with it >
 < wouldn't take no for an answer >
 < take a bribe >
 < take a bet >
 < was told to take it or leave it >
 < shipped it through the Canal and I took delivery on it here this afternoon — Robert Carson >
 a. : to receive when bestowed or tendered (as an office, an honor, a degree, a prize)
  < was on hand to take an honorary doctorate >
  < has been trained to take salutes on state occasions — Star Weekly >
  (1) : to submit to : endure, undergo
   < took his punishment like a man >
   < take a blow without flinching >
   < is taking treatments >
   < physician told him he ought to stay for six months and take the cure — College English >
   < the mauling his corps took in the peach orchard — R.M.Lovett >
   < seeing men die and taking three wounds in his own body — Dixon Wecter >
   : put up with
   < don't have to take anything from him, or to stand his bad manners — Willa Cather >
   < after taking twenty years of living in these cramped quarters — Henry Hewes >
   — often used with it
   < for people who can take it like pioneers, here is a new frontier — W.P.Webb >
   < she deserved the accolade of the modern generation — she could take it — New Republic >
  (2) : to undergo without yielding : resist successfully : withstand
   < takes hard usage >
   < specifications may require the glass … to take an impact blow of 6 to 9 ft. lbs. — E.B.Shand >
   < takes extremes of weather beautifully >
  (1) : to accept as true : believe
   < had to take his word for it >
   < you can take it from me that he is not here >
  (2) : to accept for guidance : follow
   < take a warning >
   < take a hint >
   < take a suggestion >
   < please take my advice >
  (3) : to accept with the mind in a specified way
   < take a situation calmly >
   < took the joke in earnest >
   < took it ill of them >
   < would take it kindly if we could answer at once >
  (4) : to accept without objection or opposition
   < take things as they come >
   < ready to take the consequences of his act >
   < take the bad along with the good >
 d. : to indulge in and enjoy
  < was taking his ease on the porch >
  < hoped to be able to take a brief vacation >
  < took a five-minute break for coffee >
  < time to take a rest >
 e. : to receive or accept as a return (as in payment, compensation, or reparation)
  < agreed to take a thousand dollars in complete settlement of the claim >
  < wouldn't take less than a hundred a week >
  < wants more but would probably take less >
  (1) obsolete : to exact (as a promise or an oath) of another
  (2) : to accept the tender of (as a promise or an oath)
  (3) : to accept (as an oath, an affidavit, or a deposition) in a legal capacity (as by administering or witnessing)
 g. : to admit (a male animal) in copulation : be covered by
 h. : to respond to (bait or a lure) by seizing
  < bonefish will take a fly during a strong wind — R.R.Camp >
  < taking feathered lures and spinning stuff — Sports Illustrated >
 i. : to accept a bet offered by
  < ready to take all comers >
 j. : to deliberately make no attempt to hit (a pitched ball)
  < manager signaled him to take the next pitch >
  (1) : to permit to enter : let in : admit
   < liable to take a great deal of water over the bow in bad weather — D.W.Pye >
   < seams had opened and the boat was taking water fast >
  (2) : to have room for : accommodate
   < shelf just takes the books >
   < harbor is so badly silted it can take only small craft — Christopher Rand >
   < suitcase wouldn't take another thing >
   < runway … long enough to take any of the biggest airliners of tomorrow — A.J.Cathrein >
   < largest canals take barges of more than a thousand tons — Alice Mutton >
 b. : to be affected injuriously by (as a disease) : catch, contract
  < take cold >
  < took the measles >
  < one of the sorrels took colic and died — J.F.Dobie >
  < their liability to take the blight — H.E.Laffer >
  : be seized by
  < take a fit >
  < take fright >
 c. : to absorb or become impregnated with (as dye) : be affected by (as polish)
  < cloth that takes dye well >
  < surface will not take paint >
  < granite takes a high polish >
  < won't take a shine, no matter how long you wear it — Clarence Woodbury >
 d. : to receive into itself:
  (1) obsolete : contain, include
  (2) Scotland : to close in upon and submerge
   < giantess who was so big the Sound of Mull took her only knee-deep — Alastair Borthwick >
  (1) : to receive into the mind : apprehend, comprehend, understand
   < his hearers were slow to take his meaning >
   < object of the writer will be … to make the reader take his meaning readily and precisely — Ernest Gowers >
   < event was so unusual and unexpected that we did not know how to take it — R.M.Lovett >
   < take a remark as it was intended >
  (2) : to apprehend the meaning of (a person)
   < if I take you correctly >
   < in the other scenes we have no difficulty in taking him as we are meant to take him — F.R.Leavis >
 b. : to regard or look upon : consider, suppose
  < we take this to be your final offer >
  < take it as settled >
  < I take it that you approve >
  < hoped he would not be taken as absolutely committed >
  < does not wish people to take his fictions as novels — Carlos Lynes >
  < the type taken as normal in English political writing — D.W.Brogan >
  < canon law may be taken to include theology — H.O.Taylor >
  < do not take me as urging that it ought to be done — F.S.Mitchell >
 c. : to accept, consider, or reckon as being or as equal to
  < taking a stride at the usual 30 inches >
  < reports by … untrained observers are all taken at a hundred percent of their face value — M.R.Cohen >
 d. : to feel or begin to feel or experience (as a state of mind)
  < take pleasure >
  < took delight in perversity — G.W.Brace >
  < took an immediate dislike to the newcomer >
  < saw no reason to take offense >
  < take a little reasonable umbrage — C.E.Montague >
  < takes satisfaction in inertly orthodox generalities — F.R.Leavis >
  < took pride in his work >
  < nurse their griefs … seem, in fact, almost to take a delight in brooding over them — H.A.Overstreet >
  (1) : to form and adopt in the mind or with the will
   < take a resolution >
   < take a grave view of a situation >
   < was here that the real decisions on policy were taken — J.H.Plumb >
   < whenever he took a notion he wanted something, he bought it — Margaret Cousins >
   < taking harsh judgments of his contemporaries — S.L.A.Marshall >
  (2) : to form with the mind or will and exercise or display in action
   < takes pity on all suffering creatures >
   < had taken no further heed of her existence — W.J.Locke >
 a. : to convey, lead, carry, remove, or cause to go along to another place, the direction of movement being away from the place from which the action is regarded: as
  (1) : to cause (as a person) to go along with one to a place
   < take the baby to the park >
   < took his girl to the prom >
   < promised to take the whole family to dinner >
   < this bus will take you into town >
  also : lead
   < this line takes us directly to the city >
   < fine road takes you through the forest — Tom Marvel >
   < to climb it would take us in the wrong direction — D.L.Busk >
  (2) : to bear with one to a place or person
   < take your father's slippers to him >
   < take the dishes to the kitchen >
   < took a plentiful lunch with them but brought most of it back >
  (3) : to require or induce to go
   < business took him west >
   < an appointment that took him into town >
   < neighbor whose employment takes him on periodic trips across the country — Sidney Alexander >
 b. : to lead, convey, or remove in thought or mind
  < seeking interests that would take him out of himself >
  < journey took his mind away from his troubles >
 c. : to convey to a higher or lower degree
  < last-minute touchdown took the score to 57 >
  < heavy selling in the afternoon took the list lower >
 d. archaic : to give (oneself) up or over : betake, commit, devote
 a. : to remove or obtain by removing : abstract
  < take eggs from a nest >
  < take the cream off the milk >
  < you can take a cork out of one of those bottles >
  (1) : to put an end to (as life or one's life)
   < the right of the state to take human life >
   < took his own life in a fit of despondency >
  (2) : to remove by death : deprive of life : cause to die
   < was taken in his prime >
   < those who have been taken hence >
   < a mother whose only child had recently been taken >
   < a cruel fate took him from us >
  (1) : deduct, subtract
   < take two from four >
   < took ten percent off the bill for cash >
   < celebrates his fiftieth birthday, give or take a few months, with this selection — Carlos Baker >
  (2) : to carry away : withdraw
   < never took his eyes from hers >
   < gave him kicks that took the laugh off his face — Claud Cockburn >
17. : to undertake and make (as a movement) or do or perform (as an act or an action)
 < take a walk >
 < take a look >
 < take aim >
 < take a trip >
 < take a turn around the block >
 < take two steps forward >
 < stopped two or three times to take a sounding — Nevil Shute >
 < able to take such action by air, naval, or land forces as may be necessary — Vera M. Dean >
 a. : to direct and make a specified motion (as a blow)
  < took a swing at a policeman >
  < tested the pillow by taking a poke at it >
 b. : to set in motion (as a lawsuit) : institute
  < take proceedings >
  < take legal action >
 c. : to put or set forth : raise
  < take an objection >
  < be fired … if an important reader or advertiser took exception to something he said — Phoenix Flame >
  < might take exception to his representative having a meal with casteless persons — Dillon Ripley >
 d. : bid, say
  < take adieu >
  < take a last farewell >
18. archaic : to assume or resume (as a discourse) at a point of leaving off
 a. : to apply oneself to and treat or deal with
  < take first things first >
  < doctor was sure he had taken the disease in time >
  < take the problems one by one >
  < next let us take the Peloponnesian War >
  < if he be summoned to court, his case is taken in a language he does not understand — Stuart Cloete >
  (1) : to deal with, consider, or view in a particular relation
   < taken together, the details were quite significant >
   < taking one thing with another, decided they had not done badly >
  (2) : to consider as an instance
   < to illustrate, take ancient Greece >
 c. : to apply oneself to the study of or the acquisition of skill in
  < take fancy dancing >
  < take music lessons >
 specifically : to study (as a subject or course) at an educational institution
  < took English 21 last year >
  < is taking both French and German >
20. : to apply oneself to getting through or past or to surmounting (as a hedge or a hurdle) : succeed in clearing (as a difficulty or an obstacle)
 < take two stairs at a time >
 < took the corner on two wheels >
 < was taking fences at the age of six >
 < took the puddle in an easy leap >
 < took an exit at three times the posted limit — Hugh Sherwood >
 < sort of hill which any car can take with ease — F.G.Kay >
21. : to impose upon : cheat, swindle
 < how can the amateur collector be sure he isn't being takenNew Orleans (La.) Times-Picayune >
 < taken for over a hundred thousand dollars on shakedowns alone — F.B.Gipson >
 < girl who would take me for a lot of money — Merle Miller >
I. \ˈtāk\ intransitive verb
1. : to obtain possession: as
 a. : capture
  < the queen in chess takes at any distance in a straight line >
  < the symbol x, read “takes”, indicates a capture — New Complete Hoyle >
 b. : to receive property under law as one's own : receive the title to property
  < he takes as heir >
  < was entitled, as a society with a lawful object, to take under a charitable bequest — Eduard Jenks >
 c. of a fish : to seize a lure or bait : rise to bait : bite
  < salmon took that morning, though halfheartedly — B.A.Williams >
  < will take in clear water >
  < tench, who stop taking soon after breakfast — T.H.White b. 1906 >
2. : to lay hold : catch, engage, hold
 < high-velocity harpoon is fired. If this strikes and takes, an explosive charge goes off inside the animal's rib cage — I.T.Sanderson >
 a. : to establish a take especially by uniting or growing — used of living things (as plant or surgical grafts)
  < with an experienced surgeon some 90 percent of the grafts takeLancet >
 b. : strike 17a
  (1) : to betake oneself : strike out : set out : go, proceed
   < take after a purse snatcher >
   < take down the street and around the corner >
   < take across a field >
   < take over the hill >
  (2) chiefly dialect : to take its course or run or lead (as of a road or river)
   < road turns here and takes over the hill >
 b. chiefly dialect — used as an intensifier or often simply redundantly with a following verb
  < took and swung at the ball but missed >
  < took and grabbed his hat and ran >
  < took and cried everytime anybody looked at her >
  — compare go
 a. : to have the natural or intended effect or action : take effect : act, operate
  < an expensive lesson in caution; it could only be hoped that it would take >
  (1) : to catch hold : get hold
   < wick was dry and the sparks didn't take >
  (2) of a plan : to work out or turn out successfully : succeed
   < fanciful schemes without a chance of taking >
   < where retirements are often announced but seldom takeSpringfield (Massachusetts) Union >
  (3) of a vaccine or vaccination : to produce a take
 b. : to show the natural or intended effect (as of fire or cold) : become affected (as by adherence or absorption) in the expected or desired way
  < dry fuel takes readily >
  < had never taken after his first vaccination >
6. : charm, captivate:
 a. : to exert a spell
  < no planets strike, no fairy takes, nor witch hath power to charm — Shakespeare >
 b. : to prove taking or attractive : gain a favorable reception : win popular favor
  < the play took greatly and was still drawing big audiences — W.A.Darlington >
  < book had not yet taken with the general reader >
7. : detract — used with from
 < a few minor irritations that took only slightly from their general satisfaction >
8. : to be or admit of being affected: as
 a. : to be seized or attacked in a specified way : become, fall
  < died suddenly in 1820, taking ill on his way home — Isobel Hutchison >
  < took sick >
  < took pretty surly — Punch >
 b. : to be capable of being moved in a specified way : come
  < top takes off >
  < toy clock with varicolored plastic works that take apart for reassembly by the child >
  < table takes apart for packing >
  < gadget takes to pieces for cleaning >
 c. : to adhere or become absorbed
  < ink that takes well on cloth >
 d. : to admit of being photographed
  < colors that take well >
  < takes best highlighted against a dark background >
 seize, grasp, clutch, snatch, grab: take is a general term without very specific connotation and applicable to the notion of coming to hold or possess, momentarily or longer, by physical action of the hand or in any other way
  < take the book from the shelf >
  < a city taken by the enemy >
  < take a cottage for the summer >
  seize suggests sudden and forcible taking, often the taking or apprehending of something elusive or difficult by quick, opportune action
  < they seize all the cattle and other property left behind by the fugitives in their haste — J.G.Frazer >
  < the Breton seized more than he could hold; the Norman took less than he would have liked — Henry Adams >
  < the character … is difficult to seize, for it comprised qualities hardly ever combined in one man — Hilaire Belloc >
  grasp implies a firm quick laying hold and tightening fingers around, a taking or seizing likened to such an action, or a similar effective comprehension
  < she grasped him by the arm, driving her fingers deep into the flesh — R.P.Warren >
  < determined to grasp all they could for Pennsylvania, Colonial officials tricked the Indians — American Guide Series: Pennsylvania >
  < understood the words I heard, but couldn't seem to grasp their meaning — Kenneth Roberts >
  clutch may suggest increased suddenness, force, or firmness in taking hold, apprehending, or attempting to take hold
  < with an agonized cry, she clutches his shoulders and drags herself to her feet — G.B.Shaw >
  < straws were straws, and the frailer they were the harder she clutched them — George Meredith >
  < flung himself forward with the others, desperately clutching at the precious escaping fish — A.J.Cronin >
  snatch stresses suddenness of motion without indicating a forceful retention and may suggest stealthy or ready promptness in action
  < many too are killed by their stronger companions in their desperate attempts to snatch their share of food — James Stevenson-Hamilton >
  < tried to keep hold of the plate which the school teacher tried to snatch away and for a few minutes they struggled laughing — Sherwood Anderson >
  grab typically suggests rude rough forceful action, often in indifference to or violation of the rights of others
  < could apparently grab Silesia by force of arms — Stringfellow Barr >
  < the more adventurous hastened to California with a pocketful of paper to grab rich mineral and timber lands — American Guide Series: Minnesota >
Synonym: see in addition attract, receive.

- take a bow
- take account of
- take a chance
- take a dare
- take a dive
- take advantage of
- take after
- take against
- take a joke
- take alarm
- take amiss
- take apart
- take a powder
- take a reef
- take arms
- take breath
- take care
- take care of
- take charge
- take counsel
- take croquet
- take effect
- take example
- take fire
- take five
- take for
- take from the table
- take guard
- take heart
- take hold
- take into account
- take into camp
- take into one's head
- take in vain
- take issue
- take it in snuff
- take it on the chin
- take it or leave it
- take it out of
- take kindly to
- take lying down
- take notice
- take notice of
- take oath
- take one at one's word
- take one's death
- take one's life in one's hands
- take one's medicine
- take one's time
- take order
- take orders
- take or leave
- take part
- take place
- take possession
- take root
- take shape
- take silk
- take stage
- take the bull by the horns
- take the cake
- take the count
- take the cross
- take the field
- take the floor
- take the road
- take the rue
- take the wind out of one's sails
- take the word
- take the words out of one's mouth
- take time by the forelock
- take to
- take to one's heels
- take to task
- take wake
- take water
- take with
II. \ˈtāk\ noun
1. : an act or the action of taking (as by seizing, accepting, or otherwise coming into possession): as
 a. : an act or the action of killing, capturing, or catching (as game or fish)
  < the hunting take and other causes of mortality to pheasant eggs — Sports Illustrated >
 b. chiefly Britain : the action of leasing land (as for farming or mining)
 c. : an action of accepting something (as by way of compromise) — compare give-and-take
  (1) : the capture of a chessman
  (2) : a position in which capture can be made — used with on
   < White has left his queen on take >
  (1) : the uninterrupted photographing or televising of a single scene or part of a scene
  (2) : the making of a sound recording
   < session opened with the second take of the first part of the concerto — Murray Schumach >
2. : something that is taken:
 a. : the amount of money received (as from a business venture, a sale, an admission charge, an enforced contribution): as
  (1) : the sum total taken in especially from particular sources
   < was fixing to increase the state's take on mutuel betting — J.G.Forrest >
   < the farmer's take last year >
   < the tax take >
   < take has lagged behind the increased outgo — Harlow Shapley >
   < a box-office take which yearly declined — Kaspar Monahan >
   < the 1956 take from tourism — Newsweek >
   < crowds became larger, and the take greater — Carey McWilliams >
  (2) : a percentage of total receipts deducted or reserved (as the amount of a racing bet deducted by the state and the track owners) : cut
   < gambling take helps pay for the state's roads — Jack Goodman >
   < 2.17 percent, the syndicate's net take on the issue — John Brooks >
  (3) : a criminal's haul
 b. : the number or quantity (as of animals, fish, or pelts) taken at one time : catch, haul
  < a catch of four cows and an oil take of more than a hundred barrels — H.A.Chippendale >
  < yearly take of cottontail rabbits … runs into the millions — American Guide Series: Michigan >
  (1) chiefly Britain : a piece of land taken by lease : holding
  (2) : oil taken or bought from a lease
  (1) : an installment of copy given to a compositor for typesetting; especially : a section of a running newspaper or wire service story sent to the pressroom in sections
  (2) : the type set from such copy
  (1) : a passage to be taken down or an amount taken down at one time (as in shorthand) or transcribed (as on a typewriter)
   < the high-speed takes in this course have been taken from the Congressional Record — C.I.Blanchard & C.E.Zoubek >
  (2) : a section or installment (as of an article, a speech) arbitrarily chosen (as for convenience in reading, recording, translation)
   < prepared speech, translated in short takes — W.V.Shannon >
   < an informal anthology in short takes — William Miller >
   < might be wisest to read them in short takesNew Yorker >
  (1) : a scene or part of a scene filmed or televised at one time without stopping the camera and with or without a sound recording
   < usually a cutter receives hundreds of takes of scenes — Andrew Buchanan >
  also : the photography of a scene sequence identified by photographing a scene number on a take board
  (2) : a sound recording made during a single recording period usually seven or eight minutes in length
   < hundreds of feet of tape contain dozens of takesNew York Times >
  often : a trial recording
 a. : something that takes effect: as
  (1) obsolete : a magic spell
  (2) : taking quality : charm
 b. : something (as a play or song) that becomes popular
4. : an action or a result of taking effect:
 a. : reaction of vaccinia indicating successful introduction of virus into the skin and its multiplication
  < should be vaccinated again and again, if necessary, until there is a take — Benjamin Spock >
 b. : a successful union (as of a graft)
  < skin grafting … resulted in a complete takeScience News Letter >
5. : an act or the action of taking something in mentally (as by a show of understanding) : reaction, response
 < gave my name to the uniformed maid — whose take, as I announced myself, was something to behold — Polly Adler >
 < the lovable baby with the big feet and the slow take — Robert Hatch >
 < no stage gasp or actor's take — Otis Ferguson >
 < would strike the committee, in a giant delayed take — Russell Maloney >
— compare double take

- on the take
IV. verb
or take a walk

- take a bath
- take a hike
- take a position
- take no prisoners
- take the mickey
- take the mickey out of
V. noun
: a distinct or personal point of view, outlook, or assessment
 < was asked for her take on recent developments >
also : a distinct treatment or variation
 < a new take on an old style >

- on the take




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