单词 | aerial |
释义 | aer·i·al I. 1. a. < vast aerial gulfs — J.C.Powys > b. < aerial particles > c. (1) < aerial spirits > (2) < aerial plants > d. < an aerial supply of oxygen > < aerial germicides > e. < aerial oxidation > < a hummingbird moving about in an aerial dance among the flowers — W.H.Hudson †1922 > f. < aerial spires > g. < aerial conveyors for transportation of raw materials > < an aerial railway > 2. a. (1) < fine and aerial distinctions > (2) < visions of aerial joy — P.B.Shelley > (3) < compare the aerial texture of his essay with the … darkness of the original sources — John Russell > b. < the principal charm of all Italian scenery, its graceful outlines and much of its delicate aerial tints — Norman Douglas > 3. a. < aerial navigation > b. < aerial camera > < aerial photo > < aerial gun > c. < documents … for aerial transmission to the headquarters — Punch > 4. < some fine aerial work > < an aerial attack that led … to their 27-20 victory — New York Times > • aer·i·al·ly II. 1. 2. 3. III. |
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