

单词 jump
释义 jump
I. \ˈjəmp\ verb
Etymology: probably akin to Swedish gumpa to jump, Low German gumpen
intransitive verb
  (1) : to move or throw itself into or through the air
   < a pretty stream jumping and twisting down to sea >
   : rear
   < the light jumped up — Guy McCrone >
  (2) : to rise and fall agitatedly or abruptly
   < the formerly placid waters were … jumping — Francis Birtles >
   < the snow jumped in tiny cloud puffs — Victor Canning >
  (1) : to spring free from the ground or some other environing medium by the muscular action of the feet and legs or in some animals the tail : project oneself through the air : spring, leap, hop
   < a trout will jump several feet — John Burroughs >
   < jumped on a moving bus >
   < jumped out of bed >
   < jumped down from the tree >
  also : to rise to one's feet with a bound or other energetic movement
   < jumped up and vigorously protested the chairman's action >
  (2) : to make a sudden spasmodic movement as a result of surprise or other nervous shock : start
   < jumped at his unexpected entry >
  (3) in board games : to move over a position occupied by an opponent's man to a vacant one beyond and capture the man (as in checkers) or to so move merely to facilitate progress to one's goal (as in Chinese checkers)
  (4) : to pass over a regular or proper stopping point : skip
   < this typewriter jumps and needs repairing >
  (5) of a published item : to continue from one column or page to another
  (6) : to undergo a vertical or lateral displacement owing to improper alignment of the film on a projector mechanism
   < images jump on the screen >
  (7) : to drop from an airborne airplane with a parachute
  (8) : to commence or launch upon a drive, march, expedition, or other enterprise : start out : begin — used with off
   < the campaign jumped off to a good start >
   < jumped off for the distant mining country >
  specifically : to start forward in a military attack
   < at 11:01 a.m. the assault companies jumped off — P.W.Thompson >
   < the attack jumped off in good weather — Military Engineer >
  (9) : to move, obey, or act with energy or alacrity : hustle
   < when he spoke he expected people to jump — T.O.Thoman >
   < said he wanted them to jump to it — Earle Birney >
   < the first thing the new bureaucrat learns is this: when the phone rings — jumpNewsweek >
2. : coincide, agree, accord — usually used with with
 < it jumps with my humor — Shakespeare >
 < that choice jumps with the spirit of the age — J.C.Powys >
  (1) : to pass or move haphazardly or aimlessly from one thing or state to another : shift abruptly
   < the author jumps from region to region — Geographical Journal >
   < jumping from job to job — Albert Deutsch >
  (2) : to change or abandon employment especially in violation of contract
   < jumped to the Mexican League … and drew a five-year ban — Springfield (Massachusetts) Daily News >
   < jumped without notice — Fred Bradna & Hartzell Spence >
  (3) : to rise or climb abruptly from one rank, status, or condition to another often with omission of intermediate stages
   < jumped rapidly from captain through all the grades to colonel — H.H.Arnold & I.C.Eaker >
   < jumped from the Stone Age to the Iron Age without any intervening copper or bronze culture period — R.W.Murray >
  (4) : to increase suddenly and sharply
   < recruiting began to jump that very evening — W.G.Shepherd >
   < population is jumping — W.A.Bridges >
  (5) : to make a jump bid in bridge
  (1) : to make a judgment precipitately or without careful study of one's premises : make a mental leap
   < inclined to jump from some general observation to the first possible solution — W.J.Reilly >
   < before you jump to that happy but unwarranted assumption — S.L.Payne >
   < no impressionist who jumps hastily to conclusions — C.I.Glicksberg >
  (2) : to accept eagerly : take quick or immediate advantage — usually used with at
   < jumped at the job >
   < jumped at the chance >
  (3) : to join, enter, or intervene with eagerness or alacrity — usually used with in or into
   < as unhealthy as if … the military jumped in, in the recognition that a literate and educated population was important for the quality of future draftees — R.L.Meier & Eugene Rabinowitch >
   < jumped into this … business on twenty-four hour notice — F.D.Roosevelt >
   and in such phrases as jump aboard
   < finally jumped aboard bolshevism — A.M.Rosenthal >
   and jump on the bandwagon
   < exhibiting a desire to jump on the bandwagon — M.F.A.Montagu >
 a. : to attack suddenly or without warning : pounce — often used with on or upon
  < jumped upon them without reason — Pasadena (Calif.) Independent >
 b. : to give a tongue-lashing : level severe criticism or censure
  < jumped all over me for it >
  — often used with on or upon
  < people who jump on modern poetry as obscure — Time >
  or in the phrase jump down one's throat
  < whenever I opened my mouth he jumps down my throat — W.S.Gilbert >
 a. : swing
  < the jazz they do blow is interesting and jumpsMetronome Yearbook >
  < whole thing jumps splendidly — Jazz Journal >
 b. : to be very lively : bustle with gaiety or activity
  < the joint was really jumping with kids — Maritta Wolff >
  < the town was jumpingSpringfield (Massachusetts) Daily News >
  < the place is beginning to jump already — Chandler Brossard >
  < Saturday night jumped — Langston Hughes >
transitive verb
  (1) : to pass over or across (a space or object) by or as if by a spring or leap : clear
   < jump a brook >
   < jump a hurdle >
   < took eight years before field trials jumped the Atlantic — W.F.Brown b. 1903 >
   < often jump the border again the same day — New York Times >
  (2) obsolete : to expose to danger : risk, hazard
   < jump a body with dangerous physic — Shakespeare >
 b. in board games : to move over (a man) by jumping
  (1) : to skip over or pass by : bypass
   < the transmission of certain characteristics may jump one or more … generations — Henry Wynmalen >
   < jump electrical connections >
  (2) : to continue (as a newspaper story or article) from one column or page to another
  (3) : anticipate
   < jump the green light >
   < jump the gun >
  (1) : to escape or run away from
   < couldn't jump his color — Thurston Scott >
  (2) : to abandon or leave especially hastily or furtively
   < jump town without paying their bills — Hamilton Basso >
   < jumped their reservation and were on the warpath — P.A.Rollins >
  (3) : to leave (employment) especially in violation of contract or other obligation : breach (a labor contract) by leaving or taking other employment
   < draft-age men jumping essential war jobs — Newsweek >
   < wanted to jump the show — Fred Bradna & Hartzell Spence >
   < jumped ship and settled in the United States — David Dodge >
   < jumped their indentures and bobbed up as journeymen in distant cities — Newsweek >
   < jump contract when tempted by more money — Harriot B. Barbour >
  (4) : to turn off from (one's normal or appointed track or course)
   < streams that jumped their beds in the flood — Springfield (Massachusetts) Union >
   < a train jumped the track >
  (5) : to get aboard typically by jumping
   < jumped a freight and rode it to town >
   < jump a crowded bus — W.J.Finn >
  (1) : to attack suddenly or unexpectedly : pounce upon
   < thought he was snooping around and jumped him — Lillian Hellman >
   < intended to jump him, sitting or no — Shelby Foote >
   < suddenly jumped by an enemy patrol party — Ed Cunningham >
  specifically : to attack (a target) suddenly with military aircraft
  (2) : to scold or criticize severely : assail verbally : bawl out
   < that she would never do … unless she were jumped into it — F.M.Ford >
   — often used with out
   < jumped the little foreman out — Ross Santee >
   < went down to jump the inspector out — F.B.Gipson >
 b. : to seize or take possession of in violation of another's rights : occupy illegally
  < jump another man's claim >
  < jumping an assignment for the first time in his life — Michael Foster >
 c. : to have coitus with — usually considered vulgar
  (1) : to cause to jump
   < the wind can jump those flames one mile or five — Stirling Silliphant >
   < it jumps me out of bed — J.W.Noble >
   < had to jump her from the stiles — Jane Austen >
  (2) : to cause (game) to break cover : start, flush
   < jumped a mule deer — D.C.Peattie >
  (3) : to come upon suddenly
   < jumped the trail and took cover — H.L.Davis >
  (1) : to elevate in rank especially by skipping intermediate ranks
   < one of many junior officers jumped several ranks to fill the void — Newsweek >
   < jumped him from instructor to full professor in two years — Time >
  (2) : to raise (a bridge partner's bid) by more than one rank
  (3) : to increase especially swiftly or sharply
   < jumped admission prices from fifty cents to a dollar — F.B.Gipson >
4. : to bore with a jumper (as in quarrying)
 jump, leap, spring, bound, vault, and saltate mean, in common, to project oneself upward or through space by or as if by quick muscle action. jump, the most general, implies a muscular propelling, or any action resembling a muscular propelling, of the body upward or to a spot other than the one one is in, whether upward, on a level, or below one, or over some obstacle
  < jump with fright >
  < jump three feet across a brook >
  < jump up onto a platform >
  < jump down from the truck >
  < jump over a wall >
  leap, often interchangeable with jump, generally suggests a much greater muscular propulsion or a more spectacular result
  < leap a high fence >
  < leap down from a platform >
  < go leaping across a field >
  spring adds to jump or leap the idea of elasticity, lightness, or grace, stressing more the movement than the going to or over
  < spring up into the air >
  < spring out of a cage >
  < a deer springing across the open field >
  bound, like spring, emphasizes the movement but suggests vigor or strength and, often, a consequent forceful speed achieved by fast successive leaps forward
  < a herd of antelope bounding gracefully across the plain >
  < the speaker, a large vigorous man, came bounding down the aisle and up onto the stage >
  vault suggests a leap upward or over something with the aid of the hands laid on an object or with similar assistance
  < rose to his feet … grabbed the sturdy milking stool by one leg, vaulted the fence, and plunged into the woods — C.G.D.Roberts >
  < an acrobat … was vaulting over chair backs — Margaret Deland >
  saltate implies a jumping or leaping from place to place as in certain ballet movements

- jump bail
- jump over the broomstick
- jump rope
- jump the queue
- jump the traces
II. adverb
obsolete : exactly, pat
III. \ˈjəmp\ noun
  (1) : an act of jumping : leap, spring, bound
   < cleared the fence with a running jump >
  (2) : any of several sports competitions featuring a leap, spring, or bound — see broad jump, high jump
  (3) : a space cleared or traversed by a leap
  (4) : an obstacle to be jumped over (as on the course of a steeplechase) simulating natural obstructions met in fox hunting and of varied construction, dimensions, and number
  (1) : a sudden spasmodic movement (as from surprise or other nervous shock) : start, twitch
   < gave a jump as she entered the room >
  (2) jumps plural : fidgets, willies, nervousness
   < this place fairly gives me the jumps — G.K.Chesterton >
   < just got the jumps, I guess — Gore Vidal >
 c. in board games : a move made by jumping
 d. : a descent by parachute from an airplane
 e. : an act of coitus — usu considered vulgar
2. obsolete
 a. : a critical point or crisis
 b. : venture, hazard
  (1) : a movement made by the tube of a gun before a fired projectile leaves the muzzle
  (2) : a vertical deviation of the path of the trajectory from the line of elevation
 b. : an abrupt interruption of level in a piece of brickwork or masonry
  (1) : bore IV
  (2) : breaker 3a
  (1) : a sharp or sudden increase
   < the jump in the size of the entering freshman class — J.K.Folger >
  (2) : jump bid
  (3) : a sudden change : a qualitative or quantitative leap : an abrupt transition
   < social progress proceeds by jumps >
   < the jump from the liquid to the gaseous state >
  (4) : the continuation of a published item (as a newspaper story or article) from one column or page to another; also : the portion of a published item comprising such a continuation — compare breakover
  (1) : a quick or short journey especially by air : hop
   < reluctant to start a new round of … plane jumpsNewsweek >
   < a convenient one-night jump from either St. Louis or Memphis — American Guide Series: Arkansas >
  (2) : one in a series of moves from one place to another
   < usually going farther west at each jump — Dixon Wecter >
   < kept one jump ahead of the sheriff >
4. : an advantage especially in time : start — usually used in the phrase get the jump
 < might get the jump on the United States in the development of nuclear power — New York Times >
 < desirous of getting the jump on the competition — Elmer Davis >
 jump, leap, spring, bound, and vault signify a single movement achieved by the corresponding action signified by the verb. saltation may indicate a sequence or group of such actions
Synonym: see in addition jump I.

- on the jump
IV. adjective
Etymology: probably from jump (II)
1. obsolete : exact, fitting, precise
2. : constituting a jump bid in bridge
 < jump response >
3. : swing
 < a jump band >
V. \ˈju̇mp, ˈjəmp\ noun
Etymology: probably alteration of jupe
1. dialect Britain : a loose jacket for men
2. dialect Britain : an underbodice worn usually instead of stays by women — usually used in plural
VI. intransitive verb
: to go from one sequence of instructions in a computer program to another
 < jump to a subroutine >

- jump ship
VII. noun
1. : a transfer from one sequence of instructions in a computer program to a different sequence
 < conditional jump >
2. : jazz music with a fast tempo




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