单词 | jump |
释义 | jump I. intransitive verb 1. a. (1) < a pretty stream jumping and twisting down to sea > : rear < the light jumped up — Guy McCrone > (2) < the formerly placid waters were … jumping — Francis Birtles > < the snow jumped in tiny cloud puffs — Victor Canning > b. (1) < a trout will jump several feet — John Burroughs > < jumped on a moving bus > < jumped out of bed > < jumped down from the tree > also < jumped up and vigorously protested the chairman's action > (2) < jumped at his unexpected entry > (3) in board games (4) < this typewriter jumps and needs repairing > (5) of a published item (6) < images jump on the screen > (7) (8) < the campaign jumped off to a good start > < jumped off for the distant mining country > specifically < at 11:01 a.m. the assault companies jumped off — P.W.Thompson > < the attack jumped off in good weather — Military Engineer > (9) < when he spoke he expected people to jump — T.O.Thoman > < said he wanted them to jump to it — Earle Birney > < the first thing the new bureaucrat learns is this: when the phone rings — jump — Newsweek > 2. < it jumps with my humor — Shakespeare > < that choice jumps with the spirit of the age — J.C.Powys > 3. a. (1) < the author jumps from region to region — Geographical Journal > < jumping from job to job — Albert Deutsch > (2) < jumped to the Mexican League … and drew a five-year ban — Springfield (Massachusetts) Daily News > < jumped without notice — Fred Bradna & Hartzell Spence > (3) < jumped rapidly from captain through all the grades to colonel — H.H.Arnold & I.C.Eaker > < jumped from the Stone Age to the Iron Age without any intervening copper or bronze culture period — R.W.Murray > (4) < recruiting began to jump that very evening — W.G.Shepherd > < population is jumping — W.A.Bridges > (5) b. (1) < inclined to jump from some general observation to the first possible solution — W.J.Reilly > < before you jump to that happy but unwarranted assumption — S.L.Payne > < no impressionist who jumps hastily to conclusions — C.I.Glicksberg > (2) < jumped at the job > < jumped at the chance > (3) < as unhealthy as if … the military jumped in, in the recognition that a literate and educated population was important for the quality of future draftees — R.L.Meier & Eugene Rabinowitch > < jumped into this … business on twenty-four hour notice — F.D.Roosevelt > and in such phrases as jump aboard < finally jumped aboard bolshevism — A.M.Rosenthal > and jump on the bandwagon < exhibiting a desire to jump on the bandwagon — M.F.A.Montagu > 4. a. < jumped upon them without reason — Pasadena (Calif.) Independent > b. < jumped all over me for it > — often used with on or upon < people who jump on modern poetry as obscure — Time > or in the phrase jump down one's throat < whenever I opened my mouth he jumps down my throat — W.S.Gilbert > 5. a. < the jazz they do blow is interesting and jumps — Metronome Yearbook > < whole thing jumps splendidly — Jazz Journal > b. < the joint was really jumping with kids — Maritta Wolff > < the town was jumping — Springfield (Massachusetts) Daily News > < the place is beginning to jump already — Chandler Brossard > < Saturday night jumped — Langston Hughes > transitive verb 1. a. (1) < jump a brook > < jump a hurdle > < took eight years before field trials jumped the Atlantic — W.F.Brown b. 1903 > < often jump the border again the same day — New York Times > (2) obsolete < jump a body with dangerous physic — Shakespeare > b. in board games c. (1) < the transmission of certain characteristics may jump one or more … generations — Henry Wynmalen > < jump electrical connections > (2) (3) < jump the green light > < jump the gun > d. (1) < couldn't jump his color — Thurston Scott > (2) < jump town without paying their bills — Hamilton Basso > < jumped their reservation and were on the warpath — P.A.Rollins > (3) < draft-age men jumping essential war jobs — Newsweek > < wanted to jump the show — Fred Bradna & Hartzell Spence > < jumped ship and settled in the United States — David Dodge > < jumped their indentures and bobbed up as journeymen in distant cities — Newsweek > < jump contract when tempted by more money — Harriot B. Barbour > (4) < streams that jumped their beds in the flood — Springfield (Massachusetts) Union > < a train jumped the track > (5) < jumped a freight and rode it to town > < jump a crowded bus — W.J.Finn > 2. a. (1) < thought he was snooping around and jumped him — Lillian Hellman > < intended to jump him, sitting or no — Shelby Foote > < suddenly jumped by an enemy patrol party — Ed Cunningham > specifically (2) < that she would never do … unless she were jumped into it — F.M.Ford > — often used with out < jumped the little foreman out — Ross Santee > < went down to jump the inspector out — F.B.Gipson > b. < jump another man's claim > < jumping an assignment for the first time in his life — Michael Foster > c. 3. a. (1) < the wind can jump those flames one mile or five — Stirling Silliphant > < it jumps me out of bed — J.W.Noble > < had to jump her from the stiles — Jane Austen > (2) < jumped a mule deer — D.C.Peattie > (3) < jumped the trail and took cover — H.L.Davis > b. (1) < one of many junior officers jumped several ranks to fill the void — Newsweek > < jumped him from instructor to full professor in two years — Time > (2) (3) < jumped admission prices from fifty cents to a dollar — F.B.Gipson > 4. Synonyms: < jump with fright > < jump three feet across a brook > < jump up onto a platform > < jump down from the truck > < jump over a wall > leap, often interchangeable with jump, generally suggests a much greater muscular propulsion or a more spectacular result < leap a high fence > < leap down from a platform > < go leaping across a field > spring adds to jump or leap the idea of elasticity, lightness, or grace, stressing more the movement than the going to or over < spring up into the air > < spring out of a cage > < a deer springing across the open field > bound, like spring, emphasizes the movement but suggests vigor or strength and, often, a consequent forceful speed achieved by fast successive leaps forward < a herd of antelope bounding gracefully across the plain > < the speaker, a large vigorous man, came bounding down the aisle and up onto the stage > vault suggests a leap upward or over something with the aid of the hands laid on an object or with similar assistance < rose to his feet … grabbed the sturdy milking stool by one leg, vaulted the fence, and plunged into the woods — C.G.D.Roberts > < an acrobat … was vaulting over chair backs — Margaret Deland > saltate implies a jumping or leaping from place to place as in certain ballet movements • - jump bail - jump over the broomstick - jump rope - jump the queue - jump the traces II. obsolete III. 1. a. (1) < cleared the fence with a running jump > (2) (3) (4) b. (1) < gave a jump as she entered the room > (2) jumps plural < this place fairly gives me the jumps — G.K.Chesterton > < just got the jumps, I guess — Gore Vidal > c. in board games d. e. 2. obsolete a. b. 3. a. (1) (2) b. c. (1) (2) d. (1) < the jump in the size of the entering freshman class — J.K.Folger > (2) (3) < social progress proceeds by jumps > < the jump from the liquid to the gaseous state > (4) e. (1) < reluctant to start a new round of … plane jumps — Newsweek > < a convenient one-night jump from either St. Louis or Memphis — American Guide Series: Arkansas > (2) < usually going farther west at each jump — Dixon Wecter > < kept one jump ahead of the sheriff > 4. < might get the jump on the United States in the development of nuclear power — New York Times > < desirous of getting the jump on the competition — Elmer Davis > Synonyms: Synonym: see in addition jump I. • - on the jump IV. 1. obsolete 2. < jump response > 3. < a jump band > V. 1. dialect Britain 2. dialect Britain VI. < jump to a subroutine > • - jump ship VII. 1. < conditional jump > 2. |
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