

单词 agony
释义 ag·o·ny
\ˈagənē, ˈaig-, -ni\ noun
Etymology: Middle English agonie, from Middle French & Late Latin; Middle French agonie, from Late Latin agonia, from Greek agōnia contest, struggle, anguish, from agōn gathering, assembly at games, contest for a prize, from agein to lead, celebrate — more at agent
 a. : intense pain of mind or spirit : extreme distress : anguish
  < the agony of being found wanting and exposed to the disapproval of others — Margaret Mead >
 b. often capitalized : the sufferings of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane
  < and being in an agony he prayed more earnestly — Lk 22:44 (Authorized Version) >
 a. : intense pain of body : extreme torment : torture
  < left arm twisted upward behind him … in slow, deliberate agony — Kay Boyle >
 b. : the throes of death : death struggle
  < his final agony >
3. : a violent struggle, conflict, or contest
 < the world is convulsed by the agonies of great nations — T.B.Macaulay >
4. : a strong sudden and often uncontrollable display (as of joy or delight) : outburst
 < my cousin … in an agony of mirth — Edith Wharton >
Synonyms: see distress




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