释义 |
agrafe noun or agraffe \əˈgraf\ (-s) Etymology: French agrafe, from agrafer to hook, fasten, from Middle French, from a- (from Latin ad-) + grafer to hook, from grafe hook, from Old High German krāpfo; akin to Old High German krampfo hook — more at cramp 1. : a hook-and-loop fastening; especially : an ornamental clasp used on armor or costumes < an agrafe set with pearls > 2. : a hook, eyelet, or other device by which a piano wire is so held as to prevent the section between the pin and the bridge from vibrating 3. a. : a cramp used in building to hold stones together b. : relief sculpture put upon the head of an arch 4. : the iron clamp used to secure the cork in a champagne bottle or the closure in any jug, bottle, or carboy |