释义 |
agree·ment \əˈgrēmənt\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English agrement, from Middle French, from agreer to please, agree + -ment — more at agree 1. a. : the act of agreeing or coming to a mutual arrangement < never any solemn agreement amongst themselves — John Locke > b. : oneness of opinion, feeling, or purpose : harmonious understanding : concord < with which religious tradition … must come to some sort of agreement — W.R.Inge > c. : the state of agreeing or being in accord : harmony, correspondence < agreement between the measured ionospheric data and the indications of practical communication experience — London Calling > 2. a. : an arrangement (as between two or more parties) as to a course of action < entered into an agreement … to assist in planting a colony — R.J.Stanley > b. : a compact entered into by two or more nations or heads of nations : covenant, treaty 3. a. : a contract duly executed and legally binding on the parties entering into it — see contract, meeting of the minds b. : the written or oral phraseology embodying reciprocal promises c. : the written instrument that is the evidence of an agreement 4. : the fact of agreeing grammatically < the agreement of the English personal pronoun with its antecedent in gender and number > |