

单词 task
释义 task
I. \ˈtask, ˈtaa(ə)sk, ˈtaisk, ˈtȧsk\ noun
Etymology: Middle English taske, tasque, from Old North French tasque, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin tasca task, remuneration, alteration of taxa, from Latin taxare to touch, feel, rate, compute — more at tax
 a. : a specific piece or amount of work usually assigned by another and often required or expected to be finished within a certain time
  < the tasks that were set for chemistry at last year's examination for the school-leaving certificate of the high schools — Journal of Chem. Education >
  < a novel … I had once read as a school holiday task — Adrian Bell >
 b. : something that has to be done or needs to be done and usually involves some difficulty or problem
  < Greece … passed on to Macedon and thence to Rome that task of reconciling the individual and the class with the whole — G.L.Dickinson >
  : something hard or unpleasant to do
  < deciphering some people's handwriting is quite a task >
 c. : the job allotted to someone as his duty or to some inanimate thing as its proper function
  < forecasting is … one of the most important tasks of the statistician in business — M.K.Adler >
  < every inch of material … from crypt to vault … had its task — Henry Adams >
2. obsolete : tax, impost
3. : subjection to adverse criticism : reprimand — used in the expressions to take, call, or bring one to task
4. : the performance that is required of the subject in a psychological experiment or test and that is usually made known to a human subject by verbal instructions
5. : a definite usually operational objective assigned to a unit or group of units in the armed forces
6. : a set of actions performed to accomplish a specific purpose whose accomplishment is one of the duties though usually not the only duty of an employee holding a particular position
 duty, assignment, job, stint, chore: task refers to a specific piece of work or service usually imposed by authority or circumstance, sometimes undertaken voluntarily
  < some person or some organization whose task it is to realize the daydreams of the masses — Aldous Huxley >
  < the spirit in which judge or advocate is to look upon his task — B.N.Cardozo >
  duty is likely to indicate work, service, or conduct enjoined on a person because of his rank, status, occupation, or affiliation; it is likely in most uses to suggest obligation, often moral
  < it is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is — John Marshall >
  < some of the military branches having a preferred status … had higher pay scales for less dangerous duties — Kingsley Davis >
  assignment suggests a specific amount of work or sort of service assigned authoritatively
  < it is not our assignment to settle specific questions of territories — H.S.Truman >
  job is a general term wide in suggestion ranging from voluntary undertaking of some signal service down to an assigned bit of menial work
  < a job that suffers from some relative poverty in charm, such as totting up endless small sums at a desk or feeding coal in at the door of a furnace — C.E.Montague >
  stint stresses carefully or equitably measured or timed apportionment of work
  < took to doing “German Romance” as my daily work, ten pages daily my stint — Thomas Carlyle >
  chore is likely to suggest minor routine activity necessary for continuing satisfactory operating, as of a farm or office
  < leisure after the chores and happy meeting places where the farmer and his family might play — Roger Burlingame >
II. transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English tasken, from taske, tasque, n.
1. obsolete : tax
2. : to impose a task upon : assign a definite amount of business, labor, or duty to
 < there task thy maids, and exercise the loom — John Dryden >
 a. obsolete : reprimand
 b. archaic : accuse, charge — often used with with
  < too impudent to task me with those errors — Francis Beaumont & John Fletcher >
 a. : to oppress with great labor : keep busy at or as if at a task : burden
  < tasks his mind with details >
 b. : to test as by the imposition of a burden




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