

单词 default
释义 de·fault
I. \də̇ˈfȯlt, dēˈ- sometimes ˈdēˌf-\ noun
Etymology: Middle English defaulte, alteration (influenced by Anglo-French defaulte, alteration — probably influenced by Old French defaillir to be lacking, fail, from assumed Vulgar Latin defallire — of Old French defaute) of defaute, from Old French, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin defallita, from feminine of defallitus, past participle of (assumed) Vulgar Latin defallire to be lacking, fail, from Latin de- + (assumed) Vulgar Latin fallire to deceive, fail — more at fail
1. : the absence of something needed : lack, want
2. : failure to do something required by duty or law : negligence, neglect
 < a position of advantage lost by mere default >
3. archaic : fault: as
 a. : wrongdoing, offense, misdeed
  < pardon our defaults >
 b. : error, imperfection, flaw, blemish
4. : a failure to pay financial debts
 < salesmen sometimes oversell their prospects thereby laying the ground for later defaults — H.E.Hoagland >
 < default of his loan terms >
5. : the failure of a defendant or plaintiff to appear at the required time to defend or prosecute an action or proceeding as a result of which a plaintiff may be nonsuited or a defendant may have judgment rendered against him — often used. with in
 < the defendant has made no appearance in the case, and is in default >
— see judgment by default
6. : failure to compete in or to finish an appointed contest
 < lose a race by default >
Synonyms: see failure

- in default of
II. verb
Etymology: alteration (influenced by default) (I) of Middle English defauten, from defaute, n.
intransitive verb
: to fail to fulfill a contract or agreement, to accept a responsibility, or to perform a duty: as
 a. : to fail to meet a financial obligation
 b. : to fail to appear in court : let a case go by default
 c. : to fail to compete in or to finish an appointed contest, especially an athletic contest; also : to forfeit a contest by such failure
transitive verb
1. : to fail to perform, pay, or make good
 < default a loan >
: omit
 < default a dividend >
2. : to call (a defendant or other person whose duty it is to be present in court) and make entry of default for failure to appear : enter a default against
 a. : to fail to compete in or to finish (an appointed contest)
 b. : to forfeit (a contest) by such failure
 c. : to exclude (a player or team) from a contest by default
III. intransitive verb
: to make an automatic selection especially in the absence of a choice by a user
 < since the computer's operating system won't accept such a year, it will default to some other date — S.J.Goldman >
IV. noun
1. : the absence of a viable alternative — usually used with by
 < letting the multinationals act as our national planners by default — R.J.Barnet >
2. : a selection automatically used by a computer program in the absence of a choice made by the user




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