

单词 team
释义 team
I. \ˈtēm\ noun
Etymology: Middle English teme, tem, from Old English tēam offspring, lineage, group of draft animals; akin to Old Frisian tām bridle, progeny, lineage, Old High German zoum rein, bridle, Old Norse taumr, Old English tēon to draw, pull — more at tow
1. obsolete : lineage, race
2. : a group of animals having something in common: as
 a. : a brood of young animals (as pigs or ducks)
 b. : a number of animals moving together
 c. : a flock of birds flying together
 d. : a matched group of animals for exhibition
 e. Australia : a group of rams used together on a flock of ewes
 a. : two or more horses, oxen, or other draft animals harnessed to the same vehicle (as a coach, wagon, sled) or to the same plow or other implement
  (1) : draft animals with their harness and attached vehicle
  (2) : a single animal used for labor and service often with harness and vehicle
 c. : a wagon, carriage, or other drawn vehicle
  < a horse and team >
4. : a number of persons associated together in work or activity: as
 a. : a number of persons selected to contend on one side in a match (as in cricket, football, rowing, or a debate)
 b. : a group of workmen each completing one of a set of operations : crew, gang
  < team of riveters >
  < team of divers >
 c. : a group of specialists or scientists functioning as a collaborative unit
  < the diagnostic team of psychiatrist, clinician, and social worker in a child guidance clinic >
5. : a person of extraordinary ability or energy
 < he's a whole team by himself >
6. old English law
 a. : an action to authenticate a claim (as to purchased goods) by summoning a seller to court
 b. : a right or franchise of holding a court into which persons out of jurisdiction may be vouched as warrantors (as where a purchaser vouches his seller as warrantor to prove that goods were not stolen) — used usually in the phrase toll and team
II. verb
transitive verb
1. : to yoke or join in a team
 < one horse and one cow which were teamed to a crude plow — R.A.Billington >
2. : to convey or haul with a team
 < team lumber >
intransitive verb
1. : to drive a team or motortruck : be a teamster
2. : to form a team : join forces or efforts
 < teamed together in a defensive alliance >
— often used with up
 < Communist tactics of teaming up with hot-blooded nationalism — Tillman Durdin >
III. adjective
: of, belonging to, or performed by a team
 < team horse >
 < team game >
 < team effort >




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