释义 |
al·gon·ki·an I. \alˈgäŋkēən\ noun or al·gon·kin \-ŋkə̇n\; or al·gon·qui·an \-änkwēən, -äŋkwē-, -äŋkē-\; or al·gon·quin \-änkwə̇n, -äŋkwə̇n sometimes -ŋkə̇n\ (plural algonkian or algonkians or algonkin or algonkins or algonquian or algonquians or algonquin or algonquins) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Algonkian, Algonquian, blend of Algonkin, Algonquin + English -ian; Algonkin, Algonquin from Canadian French Algonquin (recorded by Champlain as Algoumequin), perhaps from Micmac algoomaking, literally, at the place for spearing fish 1. a. : an Indian people in the Ottawa river valley of Ontario and Quebec, Canada b. : a member of such people 2. usually algoquin : a dialect of Ojibwa 3. usually algonquian : a stock of languages spoken from Labrador to Carolina and westward to the Great Plains, consisting of Cree, Ojibwa, Menomini, Fox, Potawatomi, Illinois, Shawnee; Pamlico, Powhatan, Nanticoke, Delaware; Mahican, Massachuset, Abnaki, Malecite, Micmac; Blackfoot; Cheyenne; Arapaho 4. usually algonquian : a member of any of the Indian peoples speaking Algonquian languages 5. algonkian, geology : the Algonkian era or system or group of systems II. adjective Usage: usually capitalized : of or relating to a geological era between the Archean and the Paleozoic, from both of which it is usually separated by unconformities : proterozoic — used by the United States Geological Survey; see geologic time table |