

单词 define
释义 de·fine
\də̇ˈfīn, dēˈ-\ verb
Etymology: Middle English definen, diffinen, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French definer, diffiner to determine, bring to an end, from Latin definire to determine, bring to an end, explain, from de- + finire to limit, finish, end, from finis boundary, end — more at final
transitive verb
1. obsolete : to bring to an end : conclude; often : settle
 < defined the controversy >
: decide, determine
2. : to fix, decide, or prescribe, clearly and with authority
 < define the power of a court by statutory enactment >
3. : to mark the limits of : determine with precision or exhibit clearly the boundaries of
 < define the extent of a kingdom >
4. : to make distinct in outline or features : bring into relief
 < a tree defined against the sky >
 < a well-defined impression of an event >
 < the defining power of a lens >
 a. : to discover and set forth the meaning of (as a word or term); specifically : to formulate a definition of
 b. : to determine the essential qualities of (as a concept or thing)
 c. : to determine the precise signification of
 d. : describe, expound, interpret, explain
 a. mathematics : to specify the construction or interpretation of (a concept)
  < define a conic section by a Cartesian equation >
 b. : to set apart in a class by identifying marks : characterize, distinguish
  < good manners define the gentleman >
 c. : to establish in the mind so as to orient one's social reactions toward : identify
  < define a situation as hostile >
  < define a person as one of the four hundred >
intransitive verb
1. obsolete
 a. : to act as a judge in deciding or determining
 b. : to deliver a precise opinion
2. : to formulate one or more precise statements of meaning : make a definition
Synonyms: see prescribe




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