单词 | degeneration |
释义 | de·gen·er·a·tion 1. a. < that degeneration and enhancement were processes that went on side by side in the stream of oral transmission — Douglas Kennedy > < of all the dangers that confront a nation at war this degeneration of national purpose … is the greatest — New Republic > b. < aimed to prevent degeneration of interservice rivalries into open hostility > c. < the dance as a spectacle is generally regarded as a product of degeneration, a secularized form of what is really a religious art — Susanne K. Langer > < thus by a process of degeneration the original religious insight of primitive man was overpowered and contaminated by demonistic and polytheistic beliefs — David Bidney > 2. a. < that Zola's best novels are studies in degeneration and failure — C.C.Walcutt > b. < theories explaining artistic genius as rooted in degeneration > 3. a. < suggests that the small features of the modern Bushman may have resulted from a long process of physical degeneration — R.W.Murray > : secondary simplification of a part or organism in the course of generations often to the extent of loss of function or complete disappearance of constituent structures < vestigial organs may be interpreted as the product of degeneration following alteration of habits > : regression of the morphology of a group or kind of organism toward a simpler less highly organized state < the scouring rushes have undergone degeneration from treelike Mesozoic ancestors > < parasitisms leads to degeneration > b. 4. < degeneration of human figures used in Polynesian decorative art — Journal of the Polynesian Society > 5. |
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