释义 |
al·mighty I. \(ˈ)ȯl|mīd.ē, -ītē; in “God Almighty” sometimes əlˌm-\ adjective Etymology: Middle English (akin to Old High German alamahtíg, Old Norse almāttigr), from Old English ælmihtig, ealmihtig, from æl-, eal- all (akin to Old English eall all) + mihtig mighty — more at all, mighty 1. a. often capitalized : having absolute power over all — used especially of God b. : relatively unlimited in power < almighty armies swept over the country > 2. slang : very bad : extreme < he's in one almighty fix > II. noun (-es) Usage: capitalized : god — used with the III. adverb slang : extremely < almighty cold > < took an almighty long time to make up his mind > |