释义 |
ten·sion I. \ˈtenchən\ noun (-s) Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French tension, from Latin tension-, tensio, from tensus (past participle of tendere to stretch) + -ion-, -io -ion — more at thin 1. a. : the act or action of stretching or the condition or degree of being stretched to stiffness : tautness < to install the belt, slip it over the pulleys and adjust its tension — H.F.Blanchard & Ralph Ritchen > b. : stress < arterial tension > < muscular tension > c. : a momentary state of muscular tautness in dance technique that inevitably resolves into relaxation 2. a. : either of two balancing forces causing or tending to cause extension b. : the stress resulting from the elongation of an elastic body — contrasted with compressive stress c. archaic : pressure 3. a. : inner unrest, striving, or imbalance : a feeling of psychological stress often manifested by increased muscular tonus and by other physiological indicators of emotion < went back to bed and dropped asleep suddenly with the release of tension — Mary Austin > < tensions distort personality — Bruce Bliven b. 1889 > b. : a state of latent hostility or opposition between individuals or groups (as classes, races, nations) < there is bitter tension between them — Bernard De Voto > < a lessening of minority-group tensions — J.A.Morris b. 1904 > < mob insanity explodes when tension reaches the flash point — New Republic > c. : a balance maintained in an artistic work (as a poem, painting, musical composition) between opposing forces or elements : a controlled dramatic or dynamic quality < the tension which makes his sonata … so compelling — Stephen Spender > < the poetry of Dryden and Pope is characterized by the tension between its constituent elements — F.W.Bateson > 4. : electric potential 5. : any of various devices in textile manufacturing machines or sewing machines that are used to control the tautness and movement of thread or material passing through Synonyms: see balance, stress II. transitive verb (tensioned ; tensioned ; tensioning \-ch(ə)niŋ\ ; tensions) : to subject to tension : tighten to a desired degree : tauten < this must be heavily tensioned, almost to the breaking point — Albert Thompson & Sigfrid Bick > < cut the wire off and tensioned and dead-ended it — W.W.Haines > |