释义 |
ter·tian I. \ˈtərshən\ adjective Etymology: in sense 1, from Middle English tercian (fever) tertian fever, part translation of Latin tertiana febris, from tertiana (feminine of tertianus of the third) + febris fever; from its recurring every third day; in other senses from Latin tertianus of the third, from tertius third + -anus -an — more at third 1. : recurring at approximately 48-hour intervals — used chiefly of vivax malaria; compare quartan 2. : of or relating to a tertiary or to tertianship 3. : relating to the mean tone system of musical temperament in which the major thirds are perfectly in tune II. noun (-s) Etymology: Latin tertianus of the third 1. [Middle English tercian, from Latin tertiana, from tertiana febris] : a tertian fever; specifically : vivax malaria 2. [Middle English tercian, from Latin tertianus of the third] : an old unit of liquid capacity equal to 1/3 tun 3. : a third-year student in arts (as at Aberdeen University) 4. or tertian father usually capitalized T&F : a Jesuit during tertianship 5. : a compound organ stop composed of two ranks of open metal pipes tuned a major third apart |