

单词 ambrosial
释义 am·bro·si·al
\(ˈ)am|brōzh(ē)əl, (ˈ)aam-\ adjective
or am·bro·si·an \-(ē)ən\
Etymology: Latin ambrosia + English -al or -an
 a. : consisting of or like ambrosia
  < fed by fair Iris with ambrosial food — Alexander Pope >
 b. : relating to or worthy of the gods or paradise : divine
  < these pure ambrosial weeds — John Milton >
2. : extremely pleasing to the senses especially of taste or smell : delicious, fragrant
 < the ambrosial islands of the South Seas — Dixon Wecter >
 < an afternoon of warm ambrosial May weather — Elinor Wylie >
am·bro·si·al·ly \-(ē)əlē, -li\ adverb




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