

单词 the
释义 Search result show the entry is found in: iron in the fire , or arch of the fauces , or isthmus of the fauces , or jack-by-the-hedge , or jack-in-the-box , or jack-in-the-green , or jack-in-the-pulpit , or jack-over-the-ground , or jacks-in-the-box , or jacks-in-the-green , or jacks-in-the-pulpit , or jacks-over-the-ground , or on the job , or johnny-on-the-spot , or join the issue , or judgment not withstanding the verdict , or judicial committee of the privy council , or jump over the broomstick , or jump the queue , or jump the traces , or on the jump , or jury of the vicinage , or justice of the peace , or just the same , or keep the field , or keep the peace , or keeper of the broad seal , or keeper of the great seal , or keeper of the privy purse , or keeper of the privy seal , or kick against the pricks , or kick over the traces , or kick the beam , or kick the bucket , or kick in the pants , or kick in the teeth , or on the kill , or ark of the law , or in the arms of morpheus , or king of the anteaters , or king-of-the-herrings , or king of the mackerels , or king of the mullets , or king-of-the-salmon , or king of the vultures , or kiss the book , or kiss the ground , or kiss the rod , or kiss-in-the-ring , or kiss-me-at-the-gate , or kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate , or on the knees of the gods , or over in the knees , or knight of the carpet , or knight of the golden circle , or knight of the maccabees , or knight of the pestle , or knight of the post , or knight of the road , or knight of the round table , or knight of the shire , or knight of the sword , or knight of the temple , or knock on the head , or knock out of the box , or up to the knocker , or know the ropes , or in the know , or near the knuckle , or around-the-clock , or lady of the bedchamber , or lady of the evening , or lady of the house , or lady-of-the-night , or lag of the tide , or of the lamp , or land of the leal , or laugh on the wrong side of one's mouth , or have the law on , or law of the flag , or law of the jungle , or law of the minimum , or law of the staple , or lay by the heels , or lay on the line , or lay on the table , or lay on the wood , or lay of the land , or lead by the nose , or lead one up the garden path , or leader of the opposition , or in the least , or by the lee , or over the left shoulder , or let the cat out of the bag , or to the letter , or on the level , or liberty of the press , or libration of the moon , or on the lift , or ligament of the ovary , or in the light of , or light of the moon , or the like , or the like of , or lily of the incas , or lily of the nile , or lily of the valley , or lily-of-the-valley shrub , or lily-of-the-valley tree , or on the line , or on the lines of , or line of the sun , or lion in the way , or little sister of the poor , or load the dice , or at the longest , or long in the tooth , or the long and short , or look in the eye , or look the other way , or on the lookout , or loom the web , or on the loop , or loop the loop , or loop-the-loop , or on the loose , or lord commissioner of the treasury , or lord keeper of the great seal , or lord keeper of the privy seal , or lord of the admiralty , or lord of the articles , or lord of the ascendant , or lord of the bedchamber , or lord of the treasury , or lord president of the council , or lord steward of the household , or loup-the-dyke , or lower the boom , or asleep at the switch , or by the lump , or in the lurch , or with the mainour , or assertion of the consequent , or make the best of , or make the blood boil , or make the fur fly , or make the most of , or on the make , or man-in-the-ground , or man in the moon , or man in the street , or to the manner born , or man of the cloth , or man-of-the-earth , or man of the house , or man of the woods , or man of the world , or man on the street , or put on the map , or wipe off the map , or on the march , or mark to the market , or at the market , or away from the market , or in the market , or mark of the beast , or mass of the catechumens , or mass of the faithful , or mass of the presanctified , or at the mast , or before the mast , or master of the revels , or master of the rolls , or go to the mat , or on the mat , or in the matter of , or mayor of the palace , or meeting of the minds , or on the mend , or at the mercy of , or in the middle , or in the middle of , or middle of the cable , or middle of the road , or middle-of-the-road , or middle-of-the-roader , or in the milk , or up to the minute , or miss the boat , or miss the bus , or mistress of the robes , or in the money , or mote in the eye , or mount of the moon , or mount of the sun , or mourning of the chine , or down in the mouth , or on the wrong side of one's mouth , or on the move , or augustinian of the assumption , or multiply the earth , or music of the spheres , or on the nail , or to the nail , or in the neck , or neck of the woods , or in the negative , or nigger in the woodpile , or to the nines , or for the nonce , or nose to the grindstone , or on the nose , or through the nose , or under the nose of , or to the nub , or by the number , or nun of the visitation , or off the mark , or officer of the day , or officer of the deck , or officer of the watch , or off-the-face , or oil the hand , or oil of the sick , or one over the eight , or open the books , or be of the opinion , or on the order of , or order of the day , or ordinary of the season , or babe in the woods , or out-of-the-way , or outrun the constable , or overseer of the poor , or overshoot the mark , or over-the-counter , or over-the-road , or own the line , or the back of beyond , or the back of one's hand , or the back of one's mind , or pad the hoof , or to the backbone , or paint the lily , or paint the town red , or cut the painter , or on the pan , or in the panel , or parallactic libration of the moon , or parson-in-the-pulpit , or of the part of , or on the part of , or parting of the ways , or pass the buck , or pass the chair , or pass the hat , or pass the time of day , or pat on the back , or pave the way , or pay the piper , or pay the shot , or pay through the nose , or on the payroll , or in the bag , or peg in the ring , or people of the book , or bail to the action , or perils of the sea , or in the person of , or in the balance , or philosophy of the garden , or get the ball rolling , or keep the ball rolling , or on the ball , or ball the jack , or by the piece , or pie in the sky , or pillar of the diaphragm , or pillar of the fauces , or pillar of the fornix , or pink of the evening , or in the pink , or pipe the side , or place in the sun , or upon the place , or play the field , or play the game , or play the market , or play to the score , or pleas of the crown , or to the point , or pole of the heavens , or in the bank , or pop the question , or pop goes the weasel , or pop-the-whip , or baptism for the dead , or go to the bar , or within the bar , or precession of the equinoxes , or pree the mouth of , or in the bargain , or prepare the way , or for the present , or pride of the morning , or pride-of-the-peak , or prime the pump , or priming of the tide , or privilege of the floor , or on the prod , or promoter of the faith , or on the barrelhead , or pull the string , or pumping of the barometer , or to the punch , or purple of the ancients , or to the purpose , or puss in the corner , or put out of the way , or put the arm on , or put the bee on , or put the finger on , or across-the-board , or pyramid of the cerebellum , or pyramid of the medulla , or quadrature of the circle , or to the queen's taste , or queen of the meadow , or queen of the night , or queen of the prairie , or out of the question , or quick-in-the-hand , or on the quiet , or race of the propeller , or on the rack , or on the ragged edge , or on the rails , or over the rail , or into the act , or rake over the coals , or act the part , or the rather , or in the raw , or off the bat , or have bats in the belfry , or read the riot act , or off the record , or off the reel , or rejoicing in the law , or religious of the cenacle , or religious of the sacred heart , or off the reservation , or respect the person , or retardation of the tide , or retard of the tide , or on the beach , or reverse of the medal , or abaft the beam , or before the beam , or off the beam , or on the beam , or ride the brake , or ride the gain , or ride the line , or the beam in one's own eye , or ride the marches , or ride the rods , or ride the vents , or for the ride , or in the right , or in the right of , or right the helm , or ring down the curtain , or ring the bell , or ring the changes , or ring up the curtain , or rip up the back , or up the river , or for the road , or on the road , or over the road , or rob the cradle , or rock the boat , or of the old rock , or on the rocks , or roll the bones , or on the ropes , or under the rose , or beat about the bush , or beat the air , or beat the bounds , or beat the bushes , or beat the drum , or beat the rap , or beat the time of , or in the rough , or off the beat , or in the round , or round-the-clock , or round-the-corner , or round-the-head , or rub the wrong way , or rub of the green , or under the rule , or rule the roast , or rule of the air , or rule of the road , or run down the latitude , or run in the blood , or run the cards , or by the run , or in the long run , or in the running , or rush the growler , or sack the rear , or sack the slide , or in the saddle , or saint john the baptist's day , or salute to the union , or the same , or behind the scenes , or action on the case , or scratch the surface , or behind-the-scenes , or seat-of-the-pants , or bell the cat , or see the elephant , or sell the dummy to , or below-the-line , or send to the rightabout , or below the belt , or sergeant major of the army , or sergeant major of the marine corps , or sergeant of the guard , or serve the time , or on the bench , or session of the peace , or set by the ears , or set the palette , or set the temperament , or settle the stomach , or in the shade , or on the shady side of , or shame the devil , or benefit of the doubt , or sheet in the wind , or on the shelf , or in the shell , or shift the helm , or shift to the left , or shift to the right , or ship of the line , or shoot the chutes , or shoot the moon , or shoot the red , or shoot the works , or shoot-the-chutes , or the short and long , or shot in the arm , or shot in the locker , or from the shoulder , or show the door , or shut the door , or on the sick list , or on the side , or over the side , or on the sidelines , or sight the anchor , or at the sign of , or sign of the cross , or sing the blues , or on the berth , or sister of the good shepherd , or sister of the holy cross , or sister of the holy names of jesus and mary , or sister of the immaculate heart of mary , or sit on the lid , or sit on the splice , or sit on the throne , or skeleton at the feast , or the skin of one's teeth , or under the skin , or skin the cat , or to the sky , or slam the door , or slam the door in one's face , or slap on the back , or on the slate , or on the sly , or smell the bottom , or snake in the grass , or for the better , or snap-the-whip , or on the sneak , or between-the-lens shutter , or between the lines , or snow-on-the-mountain , or on the bias , or sound the well , or in the mean space , or under the spear , or specter of the brocken , or spill the beans , or spin the bottle , or spin the plate , or spit in the ocean , or splice the main brace , or split the difference , or on the spot , or up the spout , or on the spur of the moment , or spur-of-the-moment , or by the square , or on the square , or square by the lifts and braces , or square of the circle , or squaring the circle , or squeeze the shorts , or on the stage , or stand the gaff , or stand the racket , or stare one in the face , or star-of-the-earth , or star of the veldt , or stations of the cross , or on the step , or by the stern , or short end of the stick , or wrong end of the stick , or stick-in-the-mud , or off the stocks , or on the stocks , or stop the show , or straight-from-the-shoulder , or in the straw , or on the street , or on the string , or stroke the wrong way , or go on the stump , or suck the blood of , or suck the monkey , or bird in the hand , or for the birds , or in the sun , or under the sun , or on the sunny side of , or birdie in the cage , or bird-in-the-bush , or bird-on-the-wing , or birds-in-the-bush , or on the surface , or survival of the fittest , or swallow the anchor , or birl the bawbee , or swear the peace against , or sweep the board , or sweep of the tiller , or swim against the stream , or swing round the circle , or swing the lead , or swing around the circle , or on the table , or under the table , or tail of the eye , or bite the dust , or bite the hand that feeds one , or bite the thumb at , or take from the table , or take it on the chin , or take the bull by the horns , or take the cake , or take the count , or take the cross , or take the field , or take the floor , or take the road , or take the rue , or take the wind out of one's sails , or take the word , or take the words out of one's mouth , or take time by the forelock , or take up the cudgels , or take up the hatchet , or on the tapis , or tar with the same brush , or tatar of the volga , or tenancy by the entirety , or tenancy by the rod , or tenant by the entirety , or on the tenters , or testimonial of the great seal , or the- , or theater-in-the-round , or by the thousand , or throw in the sponge , or under the thumb of , or on the tick , or tickle the palm of , or tie by the leg , or tie the knot , or on the tiles , or at the same time , or for the time being , or tinsel of the feu , or tip the scales , or tip one the wink , or toad-in-the-hole , or toe the line , or toe the mark , or by the same token , or on the tip of one's tongue , or tongue of the trump , or from the teeth forward , or in the teeth of , or to the teeth , or on top of the world , or the top of one's head , or on the town , or across the tracks , or trade on the equity , or the traffic will bear , or tread the boards , or tread the steps of , or treasurer of the household , or treasurer of the united states , or trespass on the case , or trial by the country , or trial of the pyx , or trick-o-the-loop , or trim by the bow , or trim by the stern , or trip the light fantastic , or troop the colors , or turn the other cheek , or turn the scale , or turn the tables , or turn the trick , or on the turn , or turn of the bilge , or turn of the market , or turn of the scale , or turn the trencher , or twist the lion's tail , or two-seed-in-the-spirit predestinarian baptist , or on the blink , or under-the-counter , or under-the-table , or blot on the escutcheon , or blow the lid , or blow the whistle , or blown-in-the-bottle , or blue in the face , or out of the blue , or on the up , or up-to-the-minute , or usher of the black rod , or to the vantage , or at the view , or go by the board , or go the vole , or at the volley , or in the same boat , or wag-at-the-wall , or off the wagon , or on the wagon , or wag-on-the-wall , or in the wake of , or walk over the course , or walk the chalk line , or walk the floor , or walk the hospitals , or walk the plank , or walk the streets , or wandering of the poles , or warden of the peace , or warm the bench , or on the watch , or on the water , or water on the brain , or water on the knee , or water over the dam , or on the water wagon , or wave of the future , or all the way , or go the way of , or make the best of one's way , or on the way , or out of the way , or the way , or the way of all flesh , or way of the cross , or way of the wine , or wear the trousers , or wear the willow , or under the weather , or wet the other eye , or whip the devil around the stump , or boil the pot , or whistle in the dark , or in the white , or white of the eye , or administrator with the will annexed , or on the whole , or wigs on the green , or admiral of the fleet , or wild lily of the valley , or bolt from the blue , or will-in-the-wisp , or will-o'-the-wisp , or will-with-the-wisp , or by the wind , or down the wind , or have in the wind , or have the wind of , or in the wind , or near the wind , or off the wind , or under the wind , or on the windy side , or on the wing , or wipe the floor with , or under the wire , or with the sun , or wobbling of the pole , or wolf-in-the-tail , or woman of the bedchamber , or woman of the house , or woman of the street , or woman of the town , or woman of the world , or out of the wood , or out of the woods , or in the wool , or in the works , or work the oracle , or against the world , or in the world , or the worst way , or writer to the signet , or writing on the wall , or one for the book , or on the books , or yeoman of the guard , or anointing of the sick , or around the world , or in the ballpark , or bang for the buck , or bite the bullet , or blow out of the water , or on the bubble , or buy the farm , or carry the can , or circle the wagons , or kill the clock , or come down the pike , or cut to the chase , or dead in the water , or on the deck , or down the drain , or drop the ball , or push the envelope , or flavor of the month , or get on the stick , or go with the flow , or grasp the nettle , or at the bottom of , or at the bottom of one's heart , or from the bottom of one's heart , or from the bottom up , or hit the fan , or hit the ground running , or hit the wall , or let the chips fall where they may , or all over the map , or on the map , or mass of the resurrection , or to the max , or middle-of-the-roadism , or on the money , or over the moon , or name of the game , or off-the-books , or off-the-peg , or off-the-rack , or off-the-shelf , or off-the-wall , or on-the-job , or on-the-scene , or over-the-top , or over-the-transom , or on the pad , or on the bow , or piece of the action , or down the pike , or in the pipeline , or press the flesh , or bowl over the wicket , or bowl round the wicket , or pull out all the stops , or pull the plug , or pull the rug from under , or put the make on , or put the screws on , or bowling on the green , or rapture of the deep , or ring off the hook , or down the road , or by the seat of one's pants , or in the box , or box the compass , or box the heart , or shoot from the hip , or shoot oneself in the foot , or shoot the curl , or shoot the pier , or state of the art , or state-of-the-art , or take the mickey , or take the mickey out of , or come with the territory , or test the waters , or theater of the absurd , or tip of the iceberg , or over the transom , or down the tube , or up against the wall , or wet behind the ears , or the whole nine yards , or on the brain , or breach of the peace , or bread upon the waters , or break the back , or break the ice , or for all the world , or bred-in-the-bone , or have the advantage of , or shoot the breeze , or at the bridge , or brim of the pelvis , or bring by the lee , or bring down the house , or bring home the bacon , or bring up the rear , or run-of-the-mill , or brother of the christian schools , or slap in the face , or slap on the wrist , or smell of the lamp , or buck the board , or buck the tiger , or in the bucket , or Court of the Lord Lyon , or Mount of the Moon , or Mount of the Sun , or accessory after the fact , or accessory before the fact , or all in the eye , or angle of the jaw , or bulb of the penis , or beast of the forest , or beat around the bush , or bird in the cage , or bull of the bog , or bull of the woods , or on the bum , or cash on the barrelhead , or committee of the whole house , or corrector of the press , or cross over the line , or defender of the marriage tie , or burn the books , or burn the candle at both ends , or burn the midnight oil , or burn the water , or burn the wind , or deviation from the center of impact , or devil-in-the-bush , or burn-the-wind , or down at the heel , or down-at-the-heel , or down-at-the-heels , or duck on the rock , or burst at the seams , or bury the hatchet , or establishment of the port , or estate of the realm , or fed to the teeth , or fly in the teeth of , or functional calculus of the first order , or functional calculus of the second order , or gift of the gab , or go with the territory , or gospel for the day , or on the button , or by the bye , or idols of the market , or in the bygoing , or by the way , or join out the odds , or keeper of the seal , or knight of the chamber , or knock in the head , or law officer of the crown , or lay on the oars , or lay upon the table , or lead one up the garden , or lie on the oars , or lion in the path , or look in the face , or lord chamberlain of the household , or moses-in-the-bulrushes , or obliquity of the ecliptic , or out of the common , or pellitory-of-the-wall , or principle of the uniformity of nature , or procurator of the fisk , or pull out the stops , or queen of the may , or call the shots , or call the tune , or call the turn , or call to the bar , or call to the colors , or call within the bar , or have the call , or rejoicing of the law , or rejoicing over the law , or rest on the oars , or ring-around-the-rosy , or run out the clock , or run-of-the-mine , or scrape of the pen , or senator of the college of justice , or sheet to the wind , or slip off the hooks , or solipsism of the present moment , or stick to the ribs , or straw in the wind , or take up the word , or affirmation of the consequent , or tenancy by the verge , or tenant by the verge , or the likes of , or the long and the short , or the short and the long , or the top of one's mind , or the way of all the earth , or the whole way , or throw in the towel , or throw up the sponge , or in the can , or tickle in the palm , or titular of the teinds , or titular of the tithes , or treasury of the church , or treasury of the saints , or tree of the gods , or up to the eyes , or up to the hilt , or up to the nines , or by the candle , or wag-on-the-wall clock , or wild man of the woods , or will-o'-the wisp , or will-o'-the-wispish , or will-of-the-wisp , or woman of the streets , or on the canvas , or cap the climax , or captain of the fleet , or cardinal points of the ecliptic , or on the carpet , or carry the ball , or carry the banner , or cart before the horse , or in the cart , or cash on the nail , or cast the lead , or cast the withers , or castle in the air , or catch the wind , or catch the ten , or against the grain , or against the sun , or above the line , or chairman of the board , or chalk the door , or in the aggregate , or champ at the bit , or chancellor of the exchequer , or change the leg , or on the cheap , or chew the rag , or chew the scenery , or chewing the cud , or chute the chutes , or chute-the-chute , or in the circumstances , or in the air , or cistercian of the common observance , or cistercian of the strict observance , or up in the air , or to the cleaners , or clear the air , or clear the decks , or clear the land , or clear the way , or in the clear , or clerk of the course , or clerk of the scales , or around the clock , or hold the clock on , or turn back the clock , or close the books , or close the door , or close to the wind , or in the clouds , or cock of the walk , or cockles of the heart , or cock of the rock , or cock of the wood , or coin of the realm , or in the cold , or out in the cold , or collect for the day , or column of the fornix , or commission of the peace , or committee of the whole , or common in the soil , or comptroller of the currency , or in the concrete , or conservator of the peace , or on the contrary , or to the contrary , or on the alert , or acknowledge the corn , or around the corner , or corn on the cob , or corpuscle of the spleen , or correct in the mouth , or over the counter , or under the counter , or courtesy of the port , or court of the constable and marshal , or court of the lord lyon , or cover the ground , or crack the whip , or crack-the-whip , or crash the gate , or up the creek , or cross the floor , or cross the line , or cross the T , or cross of the resurrection , or as the crow flies , or crown-of-the-field , or crown of the rose , or off the cuff , or on the cuff , or cult of the dead , or curdle the blood , or curl the hair , or cut the buck , or cut the ground from under , or cut the gun , or cut the knot , or cut the muster , or cut the pan , or cut to the bone , or cycle of the sun , or in the abstract , or in the dark , or dark of the moon , or day of the covenant , or day of the lord , or dean of the arches , or in at the death , or to the death , or debar the tables , or all the same , or all the world , or defender of the bond , or on the defensive , or deliver the goods , or denial of the antecedent , or deposition from the cross , or depression of the dew point , or in the descendant , or between the devil and the deep sea , or in the devil , or devil among the tailors , or devil and the tailors , or diamond in the rough , or dictatorship of the proletariat , or die on the vine , or into the discard , or go the distance , or in the dock , or on the dodge , or dog the watches , or in the doghouse , or dog in the manger , or a foot in the door , or open the doors , or give one the dor , or in the year dot , or dot the i , or on the dotted line , or double the hill , or down to the ground , or in the down , or down-in-the-mouth , or down-the-line , or draw the fangs , or draw the temper , or on the drift , or at the drop of a hat , or drop in the bucket , or drop the handkerchief , or drown the shamrock , or not dry behind the ears , or duplication of the cube , or dyed-in-the-wool , or by the ears , or to the ears , or up to the ears , or eat high on the hog , or eat the air , or to the echo , or to the effect , or behind the eight ball , or in the end , or enter the lists , or equation of the center , or of the essence , or in the event , or exaltation of the cross , or exchequer of the jews , or in the final analysis , or in the extreme , or to the last extremity , or do in the eye , or give the big eye , or give the eye to , or to the eye , or in the face of , or face the music , or fall by the wayside , or fall off the roof , or fallacy of the antecedent , or fallacy of the consequent , or falling of the womb , or fall of the hammer , or false lily of the valley , or farmer in the dell , or on the far side of , or fed to the gills , or put on the feed bag , or feel the helm , or on the fence , or fence the tables , or figure of the earth , or fill the bill , or fire-on-the-mountain , or acceleration of the tide , or first lord of the treasury , or fistula of the withers , or fitchée at the foot , or flame-of-the-woods , or flash in the pan , or after the flesh , or in the flesh , or flower of the winds , or angle of the mandible , or fly by the seat of one's pants , or fly in the face of , or fly the coop , or fly in the ointment , or fly-up-the-creek , or follow the hounds , or follow the string , or follow-the-leader , or foot of the fine , or at the fore , or to the fore , or forward of the beam , or on the foundation , or freedom of the press , or freedom of the seas , or friend of the court , or on the fritz , or out of the frying pan into the fire , or full of the moon , or blow the gaff , or throw down the gage , or gain the wind , or gall of the earth , or for the generality , or general of the air force , or general of the armies , or general of the army , or gentleman-usher of the black rod , or get the hook , or answer to the name of , or gild the lily , or to the gills , or gill-go-by-the-ground , or gill-over-the-ground , or give the gun , or give the lie to , or glory-of-the-snow , or glory-of-the-sun , or go all the way , or go down the drain , or go down the line , or from the word go , or on the go , or to the good , or go off the deep end , or go over the hill , or grease the hand , or grease the wheels , or cross the great divide , or bear the gree , or on the griddle , or grim-the-collier , or grin on the other side of one's face , or by the gross , or in the gross , or from the ground up , or into the ground , or off the ground , or on the ground , or take the ground , or to the ground , or guardian of the poor , or guard of the standard , or in the gum , or jump the gun , or against the hair , or hair of the dog , or in the hair , or on the half shell , or under the hammer , or at the hands of , or under the hand of , or for the account , or off the handle , or for the account and risk of , or the handwriting on the wall , or hang in the air , or hang in the balance , or the hard way , or on the anvil , or harmony of the spheres , or under the harrow , or haul one over the coals , or by the head , or heave the lead , or heave the log , or by the heels , or on the heels of , or heir of the body , or what the hell , or hemolytic disease of the newborn , or herb-of-the-cross , or over the hill , or to the hilt , or on the hip , or hit the books , or hit the bricks , or hit the hay , or hit the high points , or hit the jackpot , or hit the nail on the head , or hit the roof , or hit the silk , or hit the spot , or on the hog , or hold the bag , or hold the boards , or hold the field , or hold the fort , or hold the line , or hold the market , or hold the stage , or hold the wind , or in the hole , or hole-in-the-wall , or on the hoof , or drop off the hooks , or off the hood , or off the hooks , or on the hop , or from the horse's mouth , or appeal to the country , or on the hour , or house of the ascendant , or from the housetops , or on the hummer , or by the hundred , or hunt the slipper , or idols of the cave , or idols of the forum , or idols of the theater , or idols of the tribe , or ace in the hole , or indignities to the person , or under the influence




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更新时间:2025/3/27 3:51:32