单词 | labor |
释义 | la·bor I. 1. a. (1) < with labor I excavated a pit — W.H.Hudson †1922 > < with enormous labors he made himself into a popular writer — Carl van Doren > < sentenced to six months at hard labor > (2) < each entrepreneur is eager to buy all the kinds of specific labor he needs — Ludwig Von Mises > b. (1) < drugs that induce labor > < the record of her previous pregnancies and labors > < went into labor after a fall > (2) < a 12-hour labor > c. 2. < translation is a labor that must be done afresh for each succeeding age — J.C.Swaim > 3. < muddy waters had swept inland … submerging in one implacable tide the labor of years — William Beebe > < inspecting his completed labors with a critical eye > 4. a. < the native labor is a floating population — Geographical Journal > : workingmen as an economic or political force < labor has the right to assemble, to bargain collectively, and to strike — Curtis Bok > < win the vote of labor in the coming elections > b. < the injection of ourselves and all our labor against bubonic plague — Think > : manpower < a plentiful supply of cheap labor from across the border > c. < those in labor who advocate profit sharing by employees > < a conference between labor and management > 5. usually labour usually capitalized a. < when Labour is in a position to form a government, the sovereign … calls the leader as prime minister — R.T.McKenzie > b. < Labour won its first signal political triumph in the New South Wales elections — Alexander Brady > Synonyms: see work II. intransitive verb 1. < labored to pull their wagons along the slushy road — F.V.W.Mason > < when a writer labors long over a single passage > < began to labor on the creation of a treaty system — D.J.Dallin > < labored as a miner > < labors for the restoration of normal conditions > 2. < the boat labored upriver — Sherwood Anderson > < the ponderous woman labored puffingly up one flight of stairs — J.B.Benefield > < I had labored through the Prometheus with a Greek dictionary — H.J.Laski > 3. 4. < labored under the handicap of arthritis > < labor under a delusion > 5. of a ship < labored heavily in a chopping sea — J.L.Motley > transitive verb 1. dialect Britain < the cultivated area … is labored by some 65,000 farmers — J.M.Mogey > 2. < the details … are endless and I won't labor you with them — Horace Sutton > : make laborious < anxiety … troubled and labored her mature work — Sara H. Hay > 3. archaic a. < anvils labored by the Cyclops' hands — John Dryden > b. < earnestly … labored that reunion — Edmund Burke > 4. < no need to labor the obvious — Bernard DeVoto > 5. obsolete < the Devil … labors all he can to bring them into the same pit — Robert Burton > 6. < poets laboring their wits on tasks like these — Gilbert Highet > 7. obsolete < take the white of an egg and labor the same — Book of St. Albans > < the ass … if he be labored with a cudgel — Richard Carew > 8. obsolete < labored him out of his house — Robert Crowley > III. 1. a. < labor costs > < an ample labor supply > < labor legislation > b. < labor political activity > < editorials in the labor press > < a labor leader > < districts that are traditionally liberal and labor — New Republic > c. < a labor contract > 2. usually capitalized a. < the Farmer-Labor party of Minnesota > < the American Labor party in New York state … constituted an important political bloc — H.S.Gilbertson > b. usually labour (1) < election of a Labour candidate to the London County Council > < a Labour majority in the House of Commons > (2) < the power of the Labour caucus in Australia > < New Zealand's first Labour government > IV. |
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