

单词 theory
释义 Search result show the entry is found in: instrumental theory , or james-lange theory , or kinetic theory , or labor theory of value , or leg theory , or lewis-langmuir theory , or lunar theory , or micellar theory , or atomic theory , or monophyletic theory , or moral theory , or mosaic theory , or neurohumoral theory , or number theory , or off theory , or baeyer strain theory , or pedigree theory , or penal theory , or phlogiston theory , or phugoid theory , or place theory , or political theory , or polyphyletic theory , or pooh-pooh theory , or precocity theory , or protocorm theory , or pulsation theory , or quantity theory , or quantum theory , or ransom theory , or recapitulation theory , or regularity theory , or representative theory , or residual claimant theory , or resonance theory , or reticular theory , or rod-cone theory , or sacrificial theory , or satisfaction theory , or sensum theory , or set theory , or benefit theory of taxation , or side-chain theory , or social dividend theory of taxation , or static theory , or stelar theory , or binary theory , or strain theory , or strobilus theory , or subjective theory , or subsistence theory , or telephone theory , or telome theory , or theory of epigenesis , or theory of exchange , or theory of games , or theory of internal relations , or theory of numbers , or theory of signs , or theory of types , or three-color theory , or tidal theory , or tunica-corpus theory , or two-worlds theory , or type theory , or undulatory theory , or unified field theory , or unitary theory , or wage-fund theory , or wave theory , or bohr theory , or young-helmholtz theory , or auteur theory , or big bang theory , or catastrophe theory , or chaos theory , or communication theory , or complexity theory , or continuous creation theory , or decision theory , or domino theory , or gauge theory , or grand unified theory , or group theory , or perturbation theory , or quantum field theory , or queuing theory , or bowwow theory , or steady state theory , or string theory , or trickle-down theory , or grand unification theory , or moral influence theory , or punctuated equilibrium theory , or wages-fund theory , or cauloid theory , or cell theory , or chemical mediation theory , or chiasmatype theory , or coherence theory , or confirmability theory , or contract theory , or corpuscular theory , or correspondence theory , or abstinence theory , or darwinian theory , or debye-hückel theory , or debye theory , or descension theory , or devil theory , or dingdong theory , or alveolar theory , or displacement theory , or double-aspect theory , or dow theory , or duplicity theory , or einstein theory , or electromagnetic theory of light , or emotive theory , or faculty theory , or family-tree theory , or fibrillar theory , or field theory , or game theory , or germ theory , or glacial theory , or glacier theory , or anticlinal theory , or antithetic theory , or harmonic theory , or histogen theory , or hit theory , or homologous theory , or information theory , or inharmonic theory




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更新时间:2025/2/16 1:00:50