

单词 lag
释义 lag
I. \ˈlag, -aa(ə)g, -aig\ verb
(lagged ; lagged ; lagging ; lags)
Etymology: prob of Scandinavian origin; akin to Norwegian lagga to go slowly
intransitive verb
1. : to stay or fall behind : fail to keep up:
  (1) : to move slowly : hang back : linger, loiter
   < as he neared the old home, his steps lagged — L.C.Douglas >
   < lagged behind intent on my collecting — David Fairchild >
   < lagging a step or two behind in embarrassment — Harold Sinclair >
   < at no time in my life have seconds lagged so much — T.B.Bruff >
   < business continued to lagWall Street Journal >
  (2) : delay, procrastinate
   < will let applicants lag a bit in providing this information — Wall Street Journal >
 b. : to move, function, or develop with comparative slowness:
  (1) : to be slow or become retarded especially by comparison with something closely associated or related — usually used with behind
   < accomplishment lagging behind purpose >
   < rents lagged far behind prices — W.P.Webb >
   < new hospital construction continues to lag behind the need — D.D.Eisenhower >
   < through inattention, she lagged behind at school — Elizabeth Taylor >
  (2) : to become retarded in attaining maximum value or development
   < the current lags behind the voltage >
   < insulin of the modified protamine type has relatively quick action, for it lags two hours only — Year Book of Endocrinology >
 c. : to slacken or weaken little by little : flag
  < interest in the fascinating drama of French politics never lagged — C.G.Bowers >
  < that concern with books and reading has never lagged — Ruth Gagliardo >
 a. : to shoot a taw or toss a jack toward a line marked on the ground to determine the order of play in ringer or jacks
 b. : to cause a cue ball to rebound from the foot cushion of a billiard table so as to stop as near as possible to the head cushion or sometimes the head string (as for determining order of play) : string
 c. : to throw coins or counters to decide possession by relative closeness to a fixed mark
  < gambling with Bryan and McKinley buttons, lagging at a line — C.L.Baldridge >
transitive verb
1. obsolete : to cause to lag : retard
2. : to lag behind
 < a circuit in which the current lags the voltage — A.E.Fitzgerald >
 < the one that reaches a particular point in a cycle last is said to lag the other — N.M.Cooke & John Markus >
3. : to pitch or shoot (as a coin, counter, marble) at a mark
 < beer corks lagged, in lieu of pennies, along the sidewalk cracks — Nelson Algren >
 < lag aggies — P.D.Boles >
Synonyms: see delay
II. noun
1. : one that lags : one that is last
 < the lag of all the flock — Alexander Pope >
2. lags plural, obsolete : dregs, lees
3. obsolete : the lowest class
 < the common lag of people — Shakespeare >
 a. : the action or the condition of lagging : a falling or staying behind
  < a region marked in the recent past by relative conservatism, inertia, and lag — Hylan Lewis >
  < a series of spurts and lagsTimes Literary Supplement >
  < this work must go forward without lag — D.D.Eisenhower >
  < a definite lag had come in business and industry — W.A.White >
  < a considerable lag of the blood pressure curve behind the G curve — H.G.Armstrong >
 b. : comparative slowness or retardation (as in movement, operation, development)
  < the social and political lag that makes the world go on operating in terms of old antagonisms — Saturday Review >
  < adjustments for price lagCollier's Year Book >
  < this apparent lag behind American practice — O.S.Nock >
  < their intellectual lag in comparison with the rest of Europe — S.H.Cross >
 c. : a falling behind or retardation of one phenomenon with respect to another phenomenon to which it is closely related; especially : delay of a physical effect behind its cause or of the response of an indicating instrument behind the changed condition it registers
  < the lag of sound in some opera houses — Warwick Braithwaite >
  < the lag of an alternating current in an inductive circuit behind the impressed voltage >
  < lag of strain behind stress in an imperfectly elastic material under varying stress >
  < because they have no lag and indicate an error as it occurs, the horizon and gyro are a tremendous aid in flying the airplane more easily and precisely — H.L.Redfield >
  (1) : an amount of lag or the time during which lagging continues : degree or length of retardation or delay
   < the lag between the present and the latest reasonably accurate figures may be four or five years — E.W.Miller >
   < during this lag the government should provide help — H.S.Truman >
   < in Scotland the lag was a longer one — Ian Finlay >
   < made up more than two thirds of the lag behind whites with which they came North — A.L.Kroeber >
  (2) : a space or period of time especially between related events or phenomena : interval
   < the lag between composition and publication is not a uniform one — Nation >
   < in the lag between basketball season and baseball — Norman Mailer >
   < in the lags of silence which fell over the shouts — Lawrence Durrell >
5. : the action of lagging for opening shot (as in ringer or billiards)
III. adjective
1. : last, hindmost — used chiefly in the phrase lag end
 < the lag end of my life — Shakespeare >
2. chiefly dialect : coming tardily after or behind : belated, late
IV. transitive verb
(lagged ; lagged ; lagging ; lags)
Etymology: origin unknown
1. obsolete : steal
2. slang
 a. : to transport for crime or send to penal servitude; broadly : to send to jail : imprison
  < the first big-timers to be lagged for using the mails — D.W.Maurer >
 b. slang chiefly Britain : arrest, apprehend
  < don't kindle a fire, unless you want to get lagged — Joseph Furphy >
V. \ˈlag\ noun
Etymology: lag (IV)
 a. slang chiefly Britain : a person transported for crime or sent to penal servitude : one who is serving or has served a term in prison : convict, jailbird
  < the typical young lagTimes Literary Supplement >
 b. Australia : ex-convict; especially : a convict immigrant to Australia
  < impossible for him not to know that his father was a lag — Rex Ingamells >
2. slang chiefly Britain : a term of transportation or penal servitude : jail sentence : stretch
VI. \ˈlag, -aa(ə)g, -aig\ noun
Etymology: probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse lögg rim of a barrel, Swedish lagg stave
1. : a barrel stave
 a. : a wooden stave or slat forming part of a covering for a cylindrical object (as a boiler or a carding-machine cylinder)
 b. : a strip of any of various materials (as felt or asbestos) used in making a covering or casing especially for a cylindrical structure
3. : a bearing strip in an arch or vault centering
4. textile manuf
 a. : a wooden link in a pattern chain
 b. : a large pin in the revolving cylinder of a picker
VII. transitive verb
(lagged ; lagged ; lagging ; lags)
1. : to cover or provide with lags or lagging (as for protection against wear or thermal insulation)
2. : to fasten with lag screws
 < lag a machine to a bench >




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