释义 |
an·a·lem·ma I. \ˌanəˈlemə\ noun (plural analemmas \-məz\ ; or analemma·ta \-məd.ə\) Etymology: Latin, sundial on a pedestal, showing latitude and meridian, from Greek analēmma sundial, construction, support, from analambanein to take up, from ana- + lambanein to take — more at latch 1. : an archaic astronomical instrument of wood or brass on which an orthographic projection of the sphere is made with a movable horizon or cursor 2. : a graduated scale shaped like a figure 8 and showing the sun's declination and the equation of time for each day of the year usually constituting part of a sundial and often shown on terrestrial globes II. noun : a plot or graph of the position of the sun in the sky that is measured at one locale at a certain time of day (as noon) throughout the year and that has the shape of a figure 8 |