释义 |
an·a·mor·pho·sis \ˌanəˈmȯrfəsə̇s sometimes -ˌmȯrˈfō-\ noun (plural anamorpho·ses \-ˌsēz\) Etymology: Middle Greek anamorphōsis, from Late Greek anamorphoun to transform (from Greek ana- + morphoun to form, from morphēshape) + Greek -sis — more at form 1. a. : an image produced by a distorting optical system or by some other method that renders the image unrecognizable unless viewed by the proper restoring device b. : the process of making such distorted images 2. : a gradually ascending progression or change of form from one type to another in the evolution of a group of animals or plants; especially : the acquisition in certain arthropods of additional body segments after hatching |