释义 |
an·cient I. \ˈānshənt, ˈānch- also ˈāŋ(k)sh-\ adjective (often -er/-est) Etymology: Middle English ancien, from Middle French, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin anteanus, from Latin ante before + -anus -an — more at ante- 1. : having had an existence of many years : old: a. : aged < a strangely dressed ancient man > b. archaic : of long standing in some capacity or relation < an ancient champion still defending his title > c. : existing from a long-past date or period : of early origin < an ancient landmark > < the ancient rights of freemen > d. : having had an uninterrupted existence of 20 or 30 or more years — used of various things the continued existence of which for such a period gives rise to a presumption of legal validity in aid of the defect in proof due to lapse of memory, absence of witnesses, or loss of documents 2. : belonging or relating to a remote period, to a time early in history, or to those who lived in such a period or time; specifically : belonging or relating to the historical period beginning with the earliest known civilizations and extending to the fall of the western Roman Empire A.D.476 — compare medieval, modern 3. : having the qualities of age or long existence: a. of a person (1) : venerable (2) : adept by reason of long experience : wise b. : old-fashioned, antique < dressed in ancient garb > 4. obsolete : former, bygone, sometime Synonyms: see old II. noun (-s) 1. : an aged living being: a. : a patriarchal or venerable man or woman < a dignified ancient > b. (1) obsolete : one older in age : senior — usually used with the possessive (2) archaic : an elder in his capacity as dignitary 2. obsolete : ancestor 3. : one who lived in ancient times: a. ancients plural : the civilized peoples of antiquity; especially : those of the classical nations — usually used with the < the religions of the ancients > b. : one of the classical authors < Plutarch and other ancients > 4. archaic : one of the senior members forming the governing body of the Inns of Court or of Chancery 5. : an ancient coin III. noun (-s) Etymology: alteration (influenced by ancient) (I) of ensign 1. archaic : an ensign, standard, or flag 2. or ancient bearer obsolete : the bearer of an ensign < my ancient, a man he is of honesty and trust — Shakespeare > |