释义 |
lamp I. \ˈlamp, -aa(ə)-, -ai-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English lampe, lamp, from Old French lampe, from Latin lampas, from Greek, torch, lamp, from lampein to give light, shine; akin to Old Irish lassaim I flame, Old Prussian lopis, Hittite lap- to glow, be hot, Old Norse leiptr lightning 1. a. : a light-giving device: as (1) : a device with an oil reservoir and a wick that gives light as it burns (2) : a glass bulb enclosing a filament that glows because of its resistance to electric current (3) : any of various other devices that produce artificial light < gas lamp > < acetylene lamp > < fluorescent lamp > b. : a source of natural light (as the sun, the moon, or a star) < the lamps of heaven > c. : any of various devices for the application of heat: as (1) : an apparatus for drying foundry molds during their fabrication (2) : a therapeutic heat lamp 2. : a source of intellectual, moral, or spiritual illumination < thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path — Ps 119:105 (Revised Standard Version) > < wanted them to be lamps unto themselves — Emma Hawkridge > 3. : eye < my wasting lamps — Shakespeare > < turned her hot lamps on me — R.P.Warren > • - of the lamp II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) transitive verb 1. archaic : to furnish with lamps 2. : to light or brighten by or as if by lamps < scattered lights lamping the rush and roll of the abyss — Robert Browning > 3. slang : to look at : eye, see < I've lamped two dicks — had their eve on us all day — Elmer Davis > < for the love of Patrick Henry, lamp that! — Cosmopolitan > intransitive verb : to shine as or like a lamp < the Spirit-Seven companioning God's throne they lamp before — Robert Browning > III. intransitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: probably of imitative origin chiefly Scotland : to walk quickly taking long strides |