单词 | anger |
释义 | an·ger I. 1. now dialect England 2. < an outburst of > 3. < or if thy mistress some rich anger shows — John Keats > 4. < the anger of sea and sky > < the monstrous anger of the guns — Wilfred Owen > Synonyms: < boys and girls come to the hospitals full of fear and, sometimes, anger — J.N.Bell > < his angers, his personal spites reached metaphysical proportions — Lionel Abel > ire is literary, usually suggesting a somewhat greater emotional turmoil than anger < it turns the people's ire from local abuses — Stanley Ross > < undismayed by the dark flush of ire he kindled — George Meredith > < concealed his resentful ire — Jane Austen > rage usually adds to anger the idea of loss of control, of usually strong outward display presumably reflecting an intense inner frustration, revengefulness, or temporary derangement < his curses of rage and frustration tore the air and made the soldiers cringe — Allen Churchill > < hurled themselves at the spot, jaws snapping, trembling with violent rage — William Beebe > fury usually indicates extreme overmastering rage; sometimes it applies to a violent and indignant anger kept barely under control < the fury and devastation of World War II — Lamp > < phrases could move crowds to fury or pity — Arnold Bennett > < his anger deepened into fury — Agnes Repplier > < to watch in a cold fury > indignation implies anger of no specified intensity or outward display but provoked by what one considers mean, shameful, unworthy, or outrageous < the crime of aggression arouses their moral indignation — A.O.Wolfers > < the colonies were aflame with indignation — H.E.Scudder > wrath may imply either rage or indignation, usually also implying a grievance and a desire to revenge or punish in return < violent outbursts of wrath and summary chastisements do occur — Margaret Mead > < in wrath he had a widening glower that enveloped the offender — yet his eye seemed to stab — a flash shot from its center to transfix and pierce — G.D.Brown > < the wrath of God > II. transitive verb 1. < her helplessness angered her — Robert Grant †1940 > 2. chiefly dialect < the continued exertion angered his wound > intransitive verb < a man who angers easily > |
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