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landmark I. \ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷\ noun 1. : a mark for designating the boundary of land : a fixed object (as a monument of any sort, a river, marked tree, stone, ditch) by which the limits of a farm, a town, or other portion of territory may be known and preserved 2. a. : a conspicuous object on land that serves as a guide to navigation at sea b. : a natural object or man-made structure that marks a course or characterizes a locality < the Armory remains — a solid fortlike landmark of weathered brick — American Guide Series: Minnesota > < a huge crooked tree was so prominent a landmark for early French voyageurs — American Guide Series: Michigan > c. (1) : an anatomical structure used as a point of orientation in locating other structures (as in surgical procedures) (2) anthropology : a point on the body or skeleton from which measurements are taken 3. : an event, achievement, characteristic, or modification that marks a turning point or a stage < forty years after its composition the essay stands as a landmark in American criticism — Lionel Trilling > < a landmark in the shift of American values — W.H.Whyte > 4. : a traditional guiding precept or principle < the young are abandoning old landmarks > II. noun : a structure (as a building) of unusual historical and usually aesthetic interest ; especially : one that is officially designated and set aside for preservation |