

单词 thread
释义 thread
I. \ˈthred\ noun
Etymology: Middle English thred, threed, from Old English thrǣd; akin to Old High German drāt wire, Old Norse thrāthr thread; derivative from the root of Old English thrāwan to cause to twist or turn — more at throw
 a. : a filament, a group of filaments twisted together, or a filamentous length formed by spinning and twisting short textile fibers into a continuous strand
 b. : a fine continuous strand made by plying two or more of these filament groups or lengths either with a tight twist and smooth finish (as for sewing or lace) or with a loose twist (as for embroidery) — compare cord, rope
 c. : a piece of thread; especially : a length for hand sewing
 d. : yarn; especially : a warp or weft yarn in a woven fabric
2. : something felt to resemble a textile thread: as
 a. : any of various natural filaments
  < the threads of a spider web >
  < byssus threads >
 b. : a slender stream (as of water)
 c. : the middle of a river
 d. : a narrow line or streak (as of light or color)
  < a thread of lamplight escaped under the edge of the shade >
  < a quartz sparkling with fine threads of gold >
 e. : screw thread
  (1) : any of various manufactured filaments (as of glass, plastic, rubber, metal)
  (2) : a filament removed in the course of some process (as the cutting of the grooves of an original disc recording)
 g. : the filament that forms when sugar boiled to 240° F is poured from a spoon
3. : something felt as drawn out or spun out or blended together like the filaments forming a textile thread: as
 a. : the continuing course of a life : thread of life
 b. : an ordered course (as that linking the elements of a discourse) : a line of reasoning, sequence of ideas, or train of thought
  < lost the thread of his argument >
 c. : clew 2b
 d. : a continuing element that colors and modifies a whole
  < a thread of poetry marked all his writing >
4. : a tenuous or feeble support that offers no real security : an extremely uncertain and problematical turn of events
 < a life hanging by a thread >
5. obsolete : kind, quality, nature
6. : a measure for cotton yarn that is equal to 1/80 lea or 1 1/2 yards or 1.37 meters
II. verb
Etymology: Middle English threden, from thred, threed, n.
transitive verb
 a. : to pass a thread through the eye of (a needle)
 b. : to arrange a thread, yarn, or lead-in piece in working position for use in (a particular machine or device)
  < thread a bobbin >
  < thread the sewing machine >
 c. : to feed (an exposing or a projecting mechanism) with film : feed film into (a camera)
 a. : to pass through in the manner of a thread
  < thread a pipe with wire >
  < thread tubing in a vein >
  < streamlets threading the valley floor >
 b. : pierce, penetrate
 c. : to make one's way through or between (as a narrow way or obstacles)
  < peddlers threading the narrow alleys >
 also : to make (one's way) usually cautiously through a hazardous place or situation
  < threaded his way through the legal entanglements >
3. : to put or bring together by or as if by passing a thread through
 < thread beads >
 < threaded several casual ideas into a charming essay >
 a. : to interweave with or as if with threads : intersperse
  < dark hair threaded with silver >
 b. : to cover with threads or a network of threads : screen with overlapping threads
  < thread plants to protect them from destructive birds >
5. : to form a screw thread or threads on or in; specifically : to form an external thread on — distinguished from tap
6. : to carry (a web) from point to point through a papermaking machine
intransitive verb
1. : to thread or wind a way — usually used with through
 < threading through narrow passages >
 < able to thread but slowly through the intricate report >
2. of a boiling syrup : to reach the thread stage : form a thread when poured from a spoon
III. adjective
Etymology: thread (I)
: relating to, made of, or resembling thread
 < thread stockings >
 < thread-shaped >
IV. noun
threads plural : clothes




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