释义 |
lat·er·al I. \ˈlad.ərəl, -atərəl, -a.trəl\ adjective Etymology: Latin lateralis, from later-, latus side + -alis -al; probably akin to Latin latus wide — more at latitude 1. a. : of or relating to the side : situated on, directed toward, or coming from the side < the lateral branches of a tree > < a lateral view > b. obsolete (1) : being, acting, or moving side by side (2) of winds : blowing from the same general direction c. : being to the right or left of a true course < lateral deviation > 2. a. (1) of a body part : lying at or extending toward the right or left side : lying away from the median axis of the body < the lungs are lateral to the heart > (2) : being a body part so situated < the lateral branch of the axillary artery > b. botany : relating to, characteristic of, or borne upon the side of any organ or of the axis < a lateral bud > — compare basilar, median, terminal c. (1) : situated to one side of and parallel to a main vein or mine working < a lateral vein or drift > (2) : being or relating to any horizontal underground workings as contrasted with shafts, raises, and winzes < lateral development > 3. : having or characterized by a stocky thickset body-build and a short broad face < babies of the lateral type > — opposed to linear 4. : produced with the tongue forming an occlusion at some point along its longitudinally middle line but with an opening at one or both sides < \l\ and \ly\ are lateral > II. noun (-s) : something having a lateral situation, growth, or extension: as a. : a side ditch or conduit (as in an irrigation, drainage, sewer, gas, or water system) — compare main b. : a side branch from an electrical wiring or conduit system c. : a drift to one side of and parallel to a main drift or haulage way d. : a lateral pass in football e. : a lateral tooth, scale, or other body part f. : a lateral sound III. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: lateral (II) intransitive verb : to throw a lateral pass transitive verb : to throw laterally |