

单词 answer
释义 an·swer
I. \ˈan(t)sə(r), ˈaan-, ˈain-, ˈȧn-\ noun
Etymology: Middle English answer, andswere, from Old English andswaru (akin to Old Frisian ondser, Old Saxon antswōr, Old Norse andsvar), from and- against + -swaru (from the root of Old English swerian to swear) — more at ante-, swear
 a. : something spoken or written in reply : a response to a question, call, summons, or appeal : a rejoinder to a remark, argument, or objection : a letter sent in return for one received : reply
  < an honest answer to a fair question >
  < a soft answer turns away wrath — Prov 15:1 (Revised Standard Version) >
  < I called him but he gave no answer — Song of Sol 5:6 (Revised Standard Version) >
  < sent him five letters without receiving a single answer >
 b. : a correct response to a question intended to test knowledge (as one asked as part of an examination or one implied in a topic assigned for discussion)
  < knew the answers to only 3 of the 10 questions >
 a. : a reply to a charge or accusation : defense
  < at my first answer no man stood with me — 2 Tim 4:16 (Authorized Version) >
 b. common law : a counterstatement of facts in a course of pleadings; especially : the counterstatement made by the defendant in an equity case by way of reply to the charges made by the complainant in his bill — distinguished from demurrer
 c. modern statutory law : the defendant's pleading made in either law or equity often including a demurrer or any other pleading whereby an issue is made or tendered by the defendant (as where a statute provides that judgment by default may be entered if no answer is filed)
 d. English law : the plaintiff's reply to a defendant's plea setting up circumstances in defense
3. : something done or given in response or in return for something else : a reply made through action
 < its publication … comes as the answer to an acute demand — Survey Graphic >
 < the Western answer to this move was the use of planes to supply food >
 < his only answer was to take his hat and walk out >
also : responsive action
 < received a slap by way of answer >
 < men from the neighboring villages gathered in answer to the warning >
 < in answer to your request we are sending a catalog >
4. : a solution of a problem:
 a. : a solution resulting from mathematical operation or other similar exercise of the reasoning power
  < the answer to a chess problem >
  < the answer to a cryptogram >
 b. : a solution of any intricate problem : explanation of a perplexing or difficult situation offered or accepted as correct and as furnishing a guide to procedure
  < the world situation is not one to which there is an easy answer — Dean Acheson >
  < the search for an answer to life >
5. of a fugue : the imitation or exact transposition of the subject by a different voice usually at the interval of a fifth above or a fourth below
II. verb
(answered ; answered ; answering \-s(ə)riŋ\ ; answers)
Etymology: Middle English answeren, andsweren, from Old English andswarian, andswerian, from andswaru, n.
intransitive verb
 a. : to speak or write in reply to something said or written by another : reply, respond, rejoin
  < too nervous to answer effectively >
  < answered well in all his examinations except one >
  < refused to answer on grounds of possible self-incrimination >
  < should give the … organizations attacked by him a chance to answer through public hearings — S.H.Slichter >
  < think carefully before answering >
 b. : to serve or file an answer (sense 2)
 a. : to be or make oneself responsible or accountable : undertake responsibility : give assurance or guaranty — used with for
  < stood ready to answer for the conduct of his children >
  < unless immediate reforms are made, we cannot answer for the consequences >
  < no one can answer for the future >
 b. : to meet or suffer the consequences of responsibility : make amends : atone, pay — used with for
  < a crime for which he answered with his life >
  < someday you will answer for this >
3. : to be in conformity or correspondence in size, shape, position, character, or quality : be similar or equivalent : correspond — usually used with to
 < as in water face answers to face, so the mind of man reflects the man — Prov 27:19 (Revised Standard Version) >
 < a result that did not answer to expectations >
 < the boundless ocean of prairie vanishing into the far horizon, and above it the answering disk of sky — Meridel Le Sueur >
 < answered perfectly to the description we had been given of it >
4. : to make a responsive sound (as of an echo)
5. : to act in response to a request, a signal, a controlling action or instrument, or any action performed elsewhere or by another especially in obedience or sympathy or suitably in return
 < we rang several times but no one ed >
 < if you make the sign of the Man then she will answer with the sign of the Fox — Lafcadio Hearn >
 < underground treasures … seldom answer clearly when they are queried by the geologist's instruments — Time >
 < a flashing light answered on the leading destroyer — Wirt Williams >
6. : to serve the purpose : be adequate or sufficient : serve, do
 < in teaching the young to think hard, any subject will answer — C.W.Eliot >
— often used with for
 < a sofa that was quite often made to answer for a bed >
7. : to repeat or imitate a musical theme stated by a preceding voice
 < the second voice answers in the dominant >
transitive verb
1. : to speak or write in response to : reply to
 < answer me when I speak to you >
 < you have not answered my question >
 < wrote him several letters which he did not answer >
 < a job which he secured by answering an advertisement >
also : to say or write by way of reply
 < answered that they would be happy to come >
 < answered the first thing that came into his head >
2. : to reply to by way of rebuttal, justification, or satisfactory explanation : meet successfully in opposition
 < an argument that is not easily answered >
 < the only faith that can immediately and finally answer communism — Stephen Spender >
3. : to reply to (as a charge, accusation, or complaint) in defense : make a defense against
 < was held in bail to answer a charge of petty larceny >
4. : to act or be in correspondence to:
 a. : to give back in kind or in retaliation : return especially suitably or commensurately
  < answering blow with blow >
  < answered the enemy's fire shell for shell >
 b. : to correspond or conform to : agree with : fit, suit
  < if thy appearance answer loud report — John Milton >
  < a man exactly answering the description broadcast by the police >
  < all work must answer the specifications laid down >
 c. : to correspond to in position
  < the subtle antiphonal effects that come from curve answering curve, angle echoing angle — Hunter Mead >
  < parts that answer each other on a blueprint >
5. : to fulfill, satisfy, or meet (as an obligation, requirement, expectation)
 < studies day and night to answer all the debt he owes unto you — Shakespeare >
: be sufficient for : serve
 < a first-aid kit designed to answer all common emergencies >
 < if peace did not serve his purposes, war might answer them — Francis Hackett >
6. : to reply favorably to (as a petition)
 < our prayers were answered >
7. obsolete : to atone or make amends for : suffer the consequences of
 < a grievous fault, and grievously hath Caesar answered it — Shakespeare >
8. : to act in or by way of response to
 < a word of protest would be answered by a blow from a scimitar — C.S.Forester >
 < a call for 1000 bottles of blood was answered promptly — Irene Kuhn >
 < the ship was listing heavily and wouldn't answer her rudder >
 < three fire companies answered the alarm >
 < the phone is ringing but nobody answers it >
9. : to solve or offer a solution for
 < can you answer this riddle >
 < tried not only to answer problems but to anticipate them >
 respond, reply, rejoin, retort: answer is the most general term of this group and is used without especial suggestion for any action of saying, writing, or doing something called for in return
  < to answer a question >
  < to answer the telephone >
  It may suggest full or ample return
  < he could assert, produce arguments, opinions, and information but he couldn't meet or answer arguments — Rose Macaulay >
  respond may suggest a ready, willing, or immediate answering; it is used in connection with various stimuli, answer being more limited
  < responding to that appeal, many men and women went forth into the foreign field — Elmer Davis >
  < they were all quick to learn and respond to ethical values — Frances G. Patton >
  < responding to the threat of death with behavior that is a degradation of the human spirit — Time >
  reply may focus attention on the act of answering in the same way, covering the same ground, giving an appropriate return
  < to reply to a charge >
  < to reply to a salute >
  < “if anything starts, we are lost, sir”, observed the first lieutenant again. “I'm perfectly aware of it”, replied the captain, in a calm tone — Frederick Marryat >
  < three deep throaty blasts announce the approaching ship, to which the bridge replies with a like number of shrill signals — American Guide Series: Minnesota >
  rejoin means merely making an answer but may apply to a sharp or pointed reply to an ill-taken comment
  < “he can't sleep comfortably on that ship”, she said. “In his present state”, rejoined Andrew, “he might not sleep comfortably anywhere” — L.C.Douglas >
  retort applies to a retaliatory countering answer to some criticism, charge, rebuke, or argument
  < the plundering soldier in Georgia who retorted to Sherman's sermon with “you can't expect all the cardinal virtues for thirteen dollars a month” — D.W.Brogan >
  < “you wouldn't let me send you a book or two just as a friendly memento?” she cried, incredulous. “I don't take anything from anybody”, he retorted — S.H.Adams >
Synonym: see in addition satisfy.

- answer back
- answer to the name of
III. noun
: one that imitates, matches, or corresponds to another
 < picture books—the book business's answer to the movies — Edward Hoagland >




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