释义 |
lav·a·to·ry I. \ˈlavəˌtōre, -tȯr-, -ri\ noun (-es) Etymology: Middle English lavatorie, from Medieval Latin lavatorium, from Latin lavatus (past participle of lavare to wash) + -orium 1. : a basin or other vessel for washing: as a. : piscina b. : a water basin in a sacristy 2. : a ritual washing of the hands by a celebrant of the Eucharist : lavabo 1a 3. : a place for washing: as a. : a room with conveniences for washing the hands and face and usually with one or more toilets b. : a fixed bowl or basin with running water and drainpipe for washing the hands and face c. : a place, trough, or tub in which bodies are washed before burial 4. : water closet, toilet II. adjective : of, related to, or characteristic of washing |