

单词 antiseptic
释义 an·ti·sep·tic
I. \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|septik, -ēk\ adjective
Etymology: anti- (I) + Greek sēptikos putrefying — more at septic
 a. : opposing sepsis, putrefaction, or decay : having the properties of an antiseptic : preventing or arresting the growth or action of microorganisms especially on or in living tissue — compare disinfectant
 b. : acting like an antiseptic : cleansing, purifying
  < the antiseptic effect of sturdy criticism — New Republic >
 also : bracing
  < smelling the crisp antiseptic air — Berton Roueché >
 c. : giving protection from what is contaminating
  < new settlements a safe number of antiseptic miles from Johannesburg's whites — Time >
2. : relating to or characterized by the use of antiseptics
 < antiseptic treatment >
— compare aseptic
 a. : free from living microorganisms : characterized by scrupulous cleanliness, sterilization, exclusion of bacteria : aseptic
  < a technician in an antiseptic white jacket — Monsanto Magazine >
  (1) : suggestive of a hospital or operating room (as in cleanliness or orderliness)
   < abstract art's antiseptic charm — Lewis Mumford >
   < the antiseptic world of interstellar mathematics — Time >
  (2) : excessively neat, well-ordered, or severe
   < the room itself was bare, almost antiseptic — Nicholas Blake >
  (3) : lacking warmth or vitality
   < a conception that was much too meek and antiseptic — Joseph Katz >
  (4) : dull, vapid, unimaginative
   < main building of antiseptic institutional Georgian — Nathaniel Burt >
 c. : free or protected from what is contaminating
  < lyrics that were antiseptic as Sunday school — Saturday Review >
  < two romances of a lively but antiseptic nature — Wolcott Gibbs >
 d. : marked by objectivity or detachment; especially : coldly impersonal
  < gave the score an antiseptic reading — Horst Koegler >
an·ti·sep·ti·cal·ly \-tə̇k(ə)lē, -ēk-, -li\ adverb
II. noun
: a substance that opposes sepsis, putrefaction, or decay : one that prevents or arrests the growth or action of microorganisms either by inhibiting their activity or by destroying them — used especially of agents applied to living tissue; compare disinfectant, germicide




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