单词 | tight |
释义 | tight I. 1. 2. < a tight roof > as a. < the ship was sound and tight > < a tight cask > — usually used in combination < gastight fitting > < an airtight cover > b. (1) (2) < tight clay soils are often wet and sour > c. d. < a hog-tight fence > 3. a. < loosen a tight jar cover > < a tight sticking door > < the roots are very long and tight > b. 4. a. < a tight drumhead > < the rope was tight and firm > b. < a tight dress > < a painfully tight shoe > c. of the respiratory passages < her throat was tight with fear > < the tight clogged nose of a bad head cold > d. < a tight formation in football > e. < a work of art that is unduly harsh and tight in treatment > 5. chiefly dialect a. b. c. (1) (2) 6. < in a tight corner for money > < a good man in a tight situation > as a. < kept a tight hand on all his affairs > b. < perfectly honest but tight in all his dealings > c. < a tight tennis match > < tight play in a game > 7. < a tight bale > as a. b. of language < a tight literary style > c. of printed matter (1) < a tight line > (2) < a tight page > (3) of a line d. < a tight edition of a newspaper > e. 8. a. < tight money is delaying construction > < steel is very tight just now > — compare easy 2f(2) b. < a tight labor market > 9. of lumber < logs with tight hearts > Synonyms: < a tight coat > < forming tight ranks > < a tight roof > < shoelaces that were too tight > < in a tight position > taut applies to what has been stretched or drawn out to the limit; in reference to persons taut may describe the effects of strain making a drain on nervous energy < pulling the ropes taut > < her sails are loose, her tackles hanging, waiting men to seize and haul them taut — Amy Lowell > < their look of horror as they stared up at me, eyes and mouths open and faces taut — Norman Cousins > tense calls attention strongly to a keyed-up, intent condition or to tension and strain < signalman, tense and alert, awaited the word to flash out orders by blinker — Alexander Forbes > < yet she was, as always after a concert, tense and nervous, filled with a terrible energy which would not let her sleep until dawn — Louis Bromfield > < he is tense, jittery — a mass of jangled nerves — his fingers tremble as he lights one cigarette after another — S.N.Behrman > Synonym: see in addition drunk, stingy. II. 1. obsolete 2. chiefly dialect III. 1. < holding tight to the rail > < the door was shut tight > 2. chiefly dialect < fell tight asleep > IV. a. slang < pulled him out of a tight — F.B.Gipson > b. < packs which could hold their own with any, whether in the tight or loose — O.L.Owen > c. (1) (2) V. archaic past of tie VI. 1. < the Men's Alpine Ski Team is a tight bunch, surprisingly free of backbiting — Herbert Burkholz > 2. < some favor tight playing, with crisply articulated notes, others open playing, generally faster and more flowing — Eleanor Blau > |
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