单词 | time |
释义 | time I. 1. a. < no one had spoken to him all the time we were at lunch — Ernest Hemingway > < could not sleep, and after a time he rose — Louis Bromfield > < gone a long time > < written in three hours' time > b. < a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance — Eccles 3:4 (Authorized Version) > < Saturday evenings, traditional shopping time for millworkers and farmers — American Guide Series: New Hampshire > c. (1) < just time to reach shelter before the storm broke > < there is no time here to trace the means by which these errors of planning were corrected — American Guide Series: New York > (2) < there was time for athletic sports and private reading — Lucien Price > < as much good music as he has time to listen to — Report: (Canadian) Royal Commission on National Development > (3) < the winner's time was just under four minutes > < the time of the train trip was two hours > (4) slang < two guys tried to beat each other's time around the women — Russell Thacher > < the guy … trying to make time with his secretary — Bennett Cerf > d. < one of the first to insist on the sale of radio time for both sides of a controversial issue — C.C.Barry > 2. a. < we were not twenty yards from the rocks, at the time that the ship passed abreast of them — Frederick Marryat > < from that time she was his tennis instructor and patron — Current Biography > b. < biding his time > < the time has come to sift and synthesize the findings of these works — Julian Towster > < notice in him any sense of times and occasions and the demands of social etiquette — L.P.Smith > 3. < spring came ahead of time this year > < a half-hour before edition time — William DuBois > as a. < you'll die before your time — W.J.Reilly > b. < when her time has come, counted by the moons, she betakes herself to a special little hut built for the women — Corinne Feeney > c. < asked for the time of the next northbound train > d. Britain 4. a. < lived in the time of Elizabeth I > < one of the most popular writers of his time > b. (1) < a fast moving time such as we are now in — T.K.Finletter > < geography could not fail to share in the mathematical advances of the time — Benjamin Farrington > — often used in plural < ancient times > < modern times > (2) c. < the time is out of joint — Shakespeare > — usually used in plural < refused to follow the trend of the times — Gerard MacGowan > < behind the times > < move with the times > d. < many of the most important issues of the time — Brand Blanshard > 5. a. < one man in his time plays many parts — Shakespeare > b. < apprentices in the last year of their time — John Southward > c. < had been enlisted for a short term only, and before the end of December … would have served their time — H.E.Scudder > d. < did time for lying about his bank accounts — P.F.Healy > 6. a. < that time of year thou mayst in me behold — Shakespeare > < it's very hot for this time of year > b. < dinner-time > < rest-time > < examination-time > < vacation-time > 7. a. b. < the woman dances regular time to the music — Chandler Brossard > < did this in slow time, talking and laughing together — H.V.Morton > c. (1) (2) 8. a. < the time was midnight > < we do not know the exact time of his birth > < what time is it > b. (1) (2) c. 9. a. < he took the stairs four at a time — Phoenix Flame > < a machine that can perform three operations at a time > < been told that many times > b. times plural (1) < five times greater > (2) < seven times smaller > < three times closer > c. < got two hits out of three times at bat > 10. a. < time, that takes survey of all the world, must have a stop — Shakespeare > b. 11. a. Platonism b. Aristotelianism c. Kantianism 12. a. < have the time of their lives putting on the yearly show — Louise Gerdts > < a good time > < a hard time > b. < had himself a time drinking beer from a glass in one hand, milk from a glass in the other — Time > < had a time with them; couldn't figure any way to get them out — W.L.Gresham > c. slang < still thought he might be out on a time — Ernest Hemingway > 13. a. < make up time > b. < paid him straight time for his overtime work > c. < any cowboy who hit a horse over the head or spurred one in the shoulders was asking for his time — Ross Santee > < asked for his time, but it was just a misunderstanding and was straightened out — E.C.Abbott & Helena Smith > 14. 15. a. < the umpire called time > b. Synonyms: see opportunity • - at the same time - at times - for the time being - from time to time - in good time - in no time - in time - on one's own time - on time - out of time - time and time again II. transitive verb 1. a. < timed his occasional calls to coincide with the hour of tea — Gertrude Atherton > < consciously timed that pause for dramatic effect — J.P.Marquand > b. < the train was timed to leave the station at 1:05 p.m. > c. 2. a. < the conductor timed the performance admirably > b. < gave a dragging tempo to the first movement, but timed the second movement effectively > c. < timed the exposure for two seconds > < timed his swing to hit the ball into right field > 3. < timed his steps to the music > 4. a. < timed the horse in his last workout before the race > b. < timed the ball badly and missed it by a foot > 5. < another factor which reduces distortion to a negligible value is the fact that the plate circuit is timed — L.E.Barton > intransitive verb < beat, happy stars, timing with things below — Alfred Tennyson > III. 1. a. < poetry, dance and music are time arts — J.M.Barzun > < a time salesman > b. < time register > 2. < time charge > 3. a. b. (1) < a time sale > (2) < a time purchase > : divided into installments < a time payment > |
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