

单词 left
释义 left
I. \ˈleft\ adjective
(sometimes -er/-est)
Etymology: Middle English luft, lift, left, from Old English left, lyft- (as in lyftādl palsy) weak; akin to Middle Dutch lucht, luft, loft left, Middle Low German lucht
 a. : of or relating to the hand that in most persons is weaker, to the side of the body on which it is, or to the parts of that side of the body
  < combat men who looked at a man's left chest before they looked at his face — C.H.Norcross >
 b. : located on an observer's left or directed as his left hand would point
  < outflanked the army's left wing >
  < the left fork of the road looked the more inviting of the two >
2. often capitalized : of, adhering to, or constituted by the left especially in politics
 < this left government with a cabinet of moderate liberals — F.A.Magruder >
 < the Communists and their political ally, the Left Socialists — C.A.L.Rich >
 < fashionable … among many left intellectuals — Philip O'Connor >
 < the left religious movements … animated by the social gospel — G.A.Almond >
 < untiring representative of the leftest of left-wingers — Glasgow Herald >
 < in some respects they are going still lefter — A.A.Berle >

- over the left shoulder
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English luft, lift, left, from luft, lift, left, adjective
 a. : the left hand
  < lashed out with his left — Gregor Felsen >
 b. : the location or direction lying on the left side of one's body
  < passed a house on his left >
 c. : the part (as the wing of an army) that is on the left side of an observer facing in the direction it faces
 d. : the member of a pair situated or used on the left side
 a. : left field
 b. : a boxer's blow with the left fist
  < broke through the American's defense repeatedly with jolts and spearing lefts — P.J.Cunningham >
3. often capitalized
 a. : the part of a legislative chamber located to the left of the presiding officer and usually occupied in continental European and other countries having a similar political pattern by members professing a more radical position on political issues than other members
  < loud applause in the center and on certain benches of the left — D.W.S.Lidderdale >
  < in the other European countries … the left is occupied by the Communists and Socialists — Enzo Di Cocco >
  — compare center 3c, right
 b. : the members of a legislative body occupying the left as a result of their political views
  < members of the Chamber of Deputies … became tense; the Left became vociferous — A.W.Macmahon & W.R.Dittmar >
4. usually capitalized
 a. : individuals or groups professing views usually characterized by opposition to and a desire to alter (as by reform or revolution) the established order especially in politics and usually advocating change in the name of the greater freedom or well-being of the common man
  < the tradition of liberalism, democracy, and socialism belongs to the democratic Left — Simon Paynter >
  < the totalitarianism of the Left — Howard Rushmore >
  < his position in the literary Left — Paul Potts >
  < his contempt for the Right is exceeded only by his contempt for the Left — Bergen Evans >
  — compare right
 b. : the symbolic position occupied by persons professing such views : a radical as distinguished from a conservative position
  < the clericalist threat from the Right drove the earlier governments of the Third Republic … further to the radical LeftTimes Literary Supplement >
  < after an interval of twenty or thirty years the Left of one period becomes the Right of the next — Barbara & Robert North >
III. adverb
Etymology: Middle English luft, lift, left, from luft, lift, left, adjective
: on or to the left
 < questing neither left nor right — Rudyard Kipling >
 < as right-center governments continued to ignore reform, the people moved leftNew Republic >
past of leave




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