

单词 left-hand
释义 left-hand
\ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English lefthand, from the phrase left hand
1. : situated on the left : nearer the left hand than the right
 < decided to try the left-hand house >
2. : using or being performed with the left hand : left-handed
 < made a left-hand pitch >
 a. of a door : opening to the left away from one
 b. of a hinge : fitting or designed to fit a left-hand or left-hand reverse bevel door
 c. of a lock
  (1) : fitting or designed to fit on a left-hand or left-hand reverse bevel door or on a right-hand reverse bevel door if both sides of the lock operate
  (2) : throwing or designed to throw left
 a. of a turning tool : designed to cut to the left
 b. of a thread chaser : designed to cut a left-hand screw thread
 c. of a milling cutter : designed to rotate clockwise
 a. : devious, indirect, oblique
  < his statement was verified in a left-hand way — Earl Brown >
 b. : clumsy
 c. : sinister
 a. : morganatic
 b. : of, relating to, united in, or born of an illicit liaison : illegitimate
  < never acknowledged his left-hand family >
7. of a rope : left-laid
 a. : of or relating to a division of non-Brahmanical castes in southern India formerly subjected to social and ceremonial disabilities
 b. : of or relating to a division of Shaktism marked by secret orgiastic rites




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