释义 |
de·ni·al I. \-ˈnī(ə)l\ noun (-s) Etymology: deny + -al 1. : refusal to grant, assent to, or sanction : rejection of something requested, claimed, or felt to be due < denial of his visiting privileges > < denial of passports to undesirables > 2. a. : refusal to admit the truth of a statement, charge, or imputation : assertion that something alleged is untrue < his denial that he took the money > < her denial that her son was involved > b. : refusal to accept or acknowledge the reality or validity of a thing or idea < his denial of the divine right of kings > 3. : refusal to acknowledge a person or thing as standing in a certain relationship or as having a certain character : disavowal, repudiation < a renegade's denial of his leader > < the baron's denial of his weakling son > 4. : the opposing by the defendant of an allegation of the opposite party in a law suit 5. dialect England : hindrance, handicap, disadvantage < his lame hand was a great denial to him > 6. : a restriction or limitation upon one's own activity or desires : self-denial < the three thousand which he had hoarded at the price of sacrifice and denial — William Faulkner > 7. : a bridge bid indicating inability to raise or support a partner's bid 8. logic : negation II. noun : a psychological defense mechanism in which confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality |